Source code for ogcore.txfunc

This script reads in data generated from the Tax Calculator model.
It then estimates tax functions tau_{s,t}(x,y), where
tau_{s,t} is the effective tax rate, marginal tax rate on labor income,
or the marginal tax rate on capital income, for a given age (s) in a
particular year (t). x is total labor income, and y is total capital

# Import packages
import time
import os
import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize as opt
from dask import delayed, compute
import dask.multiprocessing
import pickle
import cloudpickle
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d as intp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import ogcore.parameter_plots as pp
from ogcore.constants import DEFAULT_START_YEAR, SHOW_RUNTIME
from ogcore import utils
import warnings
from pygam import LinearGAM, s, te
from matplotlib import cm
import random

    warnings.simplefilter("ignore", RuntimeWarning)

CUR_PATH = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))[0]
MIN_OBS = 240  # 240 is 8 parameters to estimate X 30 obs per parameter
MAX_ETR = 0.65
MAX_MTR = 0.99
MAX_INC_GRAPH = 500000

Define Functions

[docs] def get_tax_rates( params, X, Y, wgts, tax_func_type, rate_type, analytical_mtrs=False, mtr_capital=False, for_estimation=True, ): """ Generates tax rates given income data and the parameters of the tax functions. Args: params (list): list of parameters of the tax function, or nonparametric function for tax function type "mono" X (array_like): labor income data Y (array_like): capital income data wgts (array_like): weights for data observations tax_func_type (str): functional form of tax functions rate_type (str): type of tax rate: mtrx, mtry, etr analytical_mtrs (bool): whether to compute marginal tax rates from the total tax function (for DEP functions only) mtr_capital (bool): whether analytical mtr on capital income for_estimation (bool): whether the results are used in estimation, if True, then tax rates are computed as deviations from the mean Returns: txrates (array_like): model tax rates for each observation """ X2 = X**2 Y2 = Y**2 income = X + Y if tax_func_type != "mono": params = np.array( params ) # easier to use arrays for calculations below, except when can't (bc lists of functions) if tax_func_type == "GS": phi0, phi1, phi2 = ( np.squeeze(params[..., 0]), np.squeeze(params[..., 1]), np.squeeze(params[..., 2]), ) if rate_type == "etr": txrates = ( phi0 * (income - ((income**-phi1) + phi2) ** (-1 / phi1)) ) / income else: # marginal tax rate function txrates = phi0 * ( 1 - ( income ** (-phi1 - 1) * ((income**-phi1) + phi2) ** ((-1 - phi1) / phi1) ) ) elif tax_func_type == "DEP": ( A, B, C, D, max_x, max_y, share, min_x, min_y, shift_x, shift_y, shift, ) = ( np.squeeze(params[..., 0]), np.squeeze(params[..., 1]), np.squeeze(params[..., 2]), np.squeeze(params[..., 3]), np.squeeze(params[..., 4]), np.squeeze(params[..., 5]), np.squeeze(params[..., 6]), np.squeeze(params[..., 7]), np.squeeze(params[..., 8]), np.squeeze(params[..., 9]), np.squeeze(params[..., 10]), np.squeeze(params[..., 11]), ) Etil = A + B Ftil = C + D if for_estimation: shift_x = np.maximum(-min_x, 0.0) + 0.01 * (max_x - min_x) shift_y = np.maximum(-min_y, 0.0) + 0.01 * (max_y - min_y) X2bar = (X2 * wgts).sum() / wgts.sum() Xbar = (X * wgts).sum() / wgts.sum() Y2bar = (Y2 * wgts).sum() / wgts.sum() Ybar = (Y * wgts).sum() / wgts.sum() X2til = (X2 - X2bar) / X2bar Xtil = (X - Xbar) / Xbar Y2til = (Y2 - Y2bar) / Y2bar Ytil = (Y - Ybar) / Ybar tau_x = ( (max_x - min_x) * (A * X2til + B * Xtil + Etil) / (A * X2til + B * Xtil + Etil + 1) ) + min_x tau_y = ( (max_y - min_y) * (C * Y2til + D * Ytil + Ftil) / (C * Y2til + D * Ytil + Ftil + 1) ) + min_y txrates = ( ((tau_x + shift_x) ** share) * ((tau_y + shift_y) ** (1 - share)) ) + shift else: if analytical_mtrs: tau_x = (max_x - min_x) * (A * X2 + B * X) / ( A * X2 + B * X + 1 ) + min_x tau_y = (max_y - min_y) * (C * Y2 + D * Y) / ( C * Y2 + D * Y + 1 ) + min_y etr = ( ((tau_x + shift_x) ** share) * ((tau_y + shift_y) ** (1 - share)) ) + shift if mtr_capital: d_etr = ( (1 - share) * ((tau_y + shift_y) ** (-share)) * (max_y - min_y) * ((2 * C * Y + D) / ((C * Y2 + D * Y + 1) ** 2)) * ((tau_x + shift_x) ** share) ) txrates = d_etr * income + etr else: d_etr = ( share * ((tau_x + shift_x) ** (share - 1)) * (max_x - min_x) * ((2 * A * X + B) / ((A * X2 + B * X + 1) ** 2)) * ((tau_y + shift_y) ** (1 - share)) ) txrates = d_etr * income + etr else: tau_x = ( (max_x - min_x) * (A * X2 + B * X) / (A * X2 + B * X + 1) ) + min_x tau_y = ( (max_y - min_y) * (C * Y2 + D * Y) / (C * Y2 + D * Y + 1) ) + min_y txrates = ( ((tau_x + shift_x) ** share) * ((tau_y + shift_y) ** (1 - share)) ) + shift elif tax_func_type == "DEP_totalinc": A, B, max_income, min_income, shift_income, shift = ( np.squeeze(params[..., 0]), np.squeeze(params[..., 1]), np.squeeze(params[..., 2]), np.squeeze(params[..., 3]), np.squeeze(params[..., 4]), np.squeeze(params[..., 5]), ) Etil = A + B income2 = income**2 if for_estimation: shift_income = np.maximum(-min_income, 0.0) + 0.01 * ( max_income - min_income ) income2bar = (income2 * wgts).sum() / wgts.sum() Ibar = (income * wgts).sum() / wgts.sum() income2til = (income2 - income2bar) / income2bar Itil = (income - Ibar) / Ibar tau_income = ( (max_income - min_income) * (A * income2til + B * Itil + Etil) / (A * income2til + B * Itil + Etil + 1) ) + min_income txrates = tau_income + shift_income + shift else: if analytical_mtrs: d_etr = (max_income - min_income) * ( (2 * A * income + B) / ((A * income2 + B * income + 1) ** 2) ) etr = ( ( (max_income - min_income) * ( (A * income2 + B * income) / (A * income2 + B * income + 1) ) + min_income ) + shift_income + shift ) txrates = (d_etr * income) + (etr) else: tau_income = ( (max_income - min_income) * (A * income2 + B * income) / (A * income2 + B * income + 1) ) + min_income txrates = tau_income + shift_income + shift elif tax_func_type == "linear": rate = np.squeeze(params[..., 0]) txrates = rate * np.ones_like(income) elif tax_func_type == "mono": if for_estimation: mono_interp = params[0] txrates = mono_interp(income) else: if np.isscalar(income): txrates = params[0](income) elif income.ndim == 1: # for s in range(income.shape[0]): # txrates[s] = params[s][0](income[s]) if (income.shape[0] == len(params)) and ( len(params) > 1 ): # for case where loops over S txrates = [ params[s][0](income[s]) for s in range(income.shape[0]) ] else: txrates = [ params[0](income[i]) for i in range(income.shape[0]) ] elif ( income.ndim == 2 ): # I think only calls here are for loops over S and J # for s in range(income.shape[0]): # for j in range(income.shape[1]): # txrates[s, j] = params[s][j][0](income[s, j]) txrates = [ [ params[s][j][0](income[s, j]) for j in range(income.shape[1]) ] for s in range(income.shape[0]) ] else: # to catch 3D arrays, looping over T, S, J # for t in range(income.shape[0]): # for s in range(income.shape[1]): # for j in range(income.shape[2]): # txrates[t, s, j] = params[t][s][j][0]( # income[t, s, j] # ) txrates = [ [ [ params[t][s][j][0](income[t, s, j]) for j in range(income.shape[2]) ] for s in range(income.shape[1]) ] for t in range(income.shape[0]) ] txrates = np.array(txrates) elif tax_func_type == "mono2D": if for_estimation: mono_interp = params[0] txrates = mono_interp([[X, Y]]) else: if np.isscalar(X) and np.isscalar(Y): txrates = params[0]([[X, Y]]) elif X.ndim == 1 and np.isscalar(Y): if (X.shape[0] == len(params)) and ( len(params) > 1 ): # for case where loops over S txrates = [ params[s][0]([[X[s], Y]]) for s in range(income.shape[0]) ] else: txrates = [ params[0](income[i]) for i in range(income.shape[0]) ] elif np.isscalar(X) and Y.ndim == 1: if (Y.shape[0] == len(params)) and ( len(params) > 1 ): # for case where loops over S txrates = [ params[s][0]([[X, Y[s]]]) for s in range(income.shape[0]) ] else: txrates = [ params[0](income[i]) for i in range(income.shape[0]) ] elif X.ndim == 1 and Y.ndim == 1: if (X.shape[0] == Y.shape[0] == len(params)) and ( len(params) > 1 ): txrates = [ params[s][0]([[X[s], Y[s]]]) for s in range(X.shape[0]) ] else: txrates = [ params[0]([[X[i], Y[i]]]) for i in range(X.shape[0]) ] elif X.ndim == 2 and Y.ndim == 2: txrates = [ [ params[s][j][0]([[X[s, j], Y[s, j]]]) for j in range(X.shape[1]) ] for s in range(X.shape[0]) ] else: # to catch 3D arrays, looping over T, S, J txrates = [ [ [ params[t][s][j][0]([[X[t, s, j], Y[t, s, j]]]) for j in range(income.shape[2]) ] for s in range(income.shape[1]) ] for t in range(income.shape[0]) ] txrates = np.squeeze(np.array(txrates)) return txrates
[docs] def wsumsq(params, *args): """ This function generates the weighted sum of squared deviations of predicted values of tax rates (ETR, MTRx, or MTRy) from the tax rates from the data for the Cobb-Douglas functional form of the tax function. Args: params (tuple): tax function parameter values args (tuple): contains (fixed_tax_func_params, X, Y, txrates, wgts, tax_func_type, rate_type) fixed_tax_func_params (tuple): value of parameters of tax functions that are not estimated X (array_like): labor income data Y (array_like): capital income data txrates (array_like): tax rates data wgts (array_like): weights for data observations tax_func_type (str): functional form of tax functions rate_type (str): type of tax rate: mtrx, mtry, etr Returns: wssqdev (scalar): weighted sum of squared deviations, >0 """ ( fixed_tax_func_params, X, Y, txrates, wgts, tax_func_type, rate_type, ) = args params_all = np.append(params, fixed_tax_func_params) txrates_est = get_tax_rates( params_all, X, Y, wgts, tax_func_type, rate_type ) errors = txrates_est - txrates wssqdev = (wgts * (errors**2)).sum() return wssqdev
[docs] def find_outliers(sse_mat, age_vec, se_mult, start_year, varstr, graph=False): """ This function takes a matrix of sum of squared errors (SSE) from tax function estimations for each age (s) in each year of the budget window (t) and marks estimations that have outlier SSE. Args: sse_mat (Numpy array): SSE for each estimated tax function, size is BW x S age_vec (numpy array): vector of ages, length S se_mult (scalar): multiple of standard deviations before consider estimate an outlier start_year (int): first year of budget window varstr (str): name of tax function being evaluated graph (bool): whether to output graphs Returns: sse_big_mat (bool array_like): indicators of whether tax function is outlier, size is BW x S """ # Mark outliers from estimated MTRx functions thresh = sse_mat[sse_mat > 0].mean() + se_mult * sse_mat[sse_mat > 0].std() sse_big_mat = sse_mat > thresh print( varstr, ": ", str(sse_big_mat.sum()), " observations tagged as outliers.", ) output_dir = os.path.join(CUR_PATH, "OUTPUT", "TaxFunctions") if graph: pp.txfunc_sse_plot(age_vec, sse_mat, start_year, varstr, output_dir, 0) if sse_big_mat.sum() > 0: # Mark the outliers from the first sweep above. Then mark the # new outliers in a second sweep sse_mat_new = sse_mat.copy() sse_mat_new[sse_big_mat] = np.nan thresh2 = ( sse_mat_new[sse_mat_new > 0].mean() + se_mult * sse_mat_new[sse_mat_new > 0].std() ) sse_big_mat += sse_mat_new > thresh2 print( varstr, ": ", "After second round, ", str(sse_big_mat.sum()), " observations tagged as outliers (cumulative).", ) if graph: pp.txfunc_sse_plot( age_vec, sse_mat_new, start_year, varstr, output_dir, 1 ) if (sse_mat_new > thresh2).sum() > 0: # Mark the outliers from the second sweep above sse_mat_new2 = sse_mat_new.copy() sse_mat_new2[sse_big_mat] = np.nan if graph: pp.txfunc_sse_plot( age_vec, sse_mat_new2, start_year, varstr, output_dir, 2 ) return sse_big_mat
[docs] def replace_outliers(param_list, sse_big_mat): """ This function replaces outlier estimated tax function parameters with linearly interpolated tax function tax function parameters Args: param_list (list): estimated tax function parameters or nonparametric functions, size is BW x S x #TaxParams sse_big_mat (bool, array_like): indicators of whether tax function is outlier, size is BW x S Returns: param_arr_adj (array_like): estimated and interpolated tax function parameters, size BW x S x #TaxParams """ numparams = len(param_list[0][0]) S = sse_big_mat.shape[1] param_list_adj = param_list.copy() for t in range(sse_big_mat.shape[0]): big_cnt = 0 for s in range(S): # Smooth out ETR tax function outliers if sse_big_mat[t, s] and s < S - 1: # For all outlier observations, increase the big_cnt by # 1 and set the param_arr_adj equal to nan big_cnt += 1 param_list_adj[t][s] = np.nan if not sse_big_mat[t, s] and big_cnt > 0 and s == big_cnt: # When the current function is not an outlier but the last # one was and this string of outliers is at the beginning # ages, set the outliers equal to this period's tax function param_list_adj[t][:big_cnt] = [param_list_adj[t][s]] * big_cnt big_cnt = 0 if not sse_big_mat[t, s] and big_cnt > 0 and s > big_cnt: # When the current function is not an outlier but the last # one was and this string of outliers is in the interior of # ages, set the outliers equal to a linear interpolation # between the two bounding non-outlier functions diff = ( param_list_adj[t][s] - param_list_adj[t][s - big_cnt - 1] ) slopevec = (diff / (big_cnt + 1)).reshape(1, numparams) tiled_slopevec = np.tile(slopevec, (big_cnt, 1)) interceptvec = param_list_adj[t][s - big_cnt - 1].reshape( 1, numparams ) tiled_intvec = np.tile(interceptvec, (big_cnt, 1)) reshaped_arange = np.arange(1, big_cnt + 1).reshape(big_cnt, 1) tiled_reshape_arange = np.tile(reshaped_arange, (1, numparams)) for s_ind in range(big_cnt): param_list_adj[t][s - big_cnt + s_ind] = tiled_intvec[ s_ind, : ] + ( tiled_slopevec[s_ind, :] * tiled_reshape_arange[s_ind, :] ) big_cnt = 0 if sse_big_mat[t, s] and s == sse_big_mat.shape[1] - 1: # When the last ages are outliers, set the parameters equal # to the most recent non-outlier tax function big_cnt += 1 param_list_adj[t][s] = np.nan reshaped = param_list_adj[t][s - big_cnt] param_list_adj[t][s - big_cnt + 1 :] = [ param_list_adj[t][s - big_cnt] ] * big_cnt return param_list_adj
[docs] def txfunc_est( df, s, t, rate_type, tax_func_type, numparams, output_dir, graph ): """ This function uses tax tax rate and income data for individuals of a particular age (s) and a particular year (t) to estimate the parameters of a Cobb-Douglas aggregation function of two ratios of polynomials in labor income and capital income, respectively. Args: df (Pandas DataFrame): 11 variables with N observations of tax rates s (int): age of individual, >= 21 t (int): year of analysis, >= 2016 rate_type (str): type of tax rate: mtrx, mtry, etr tax_func_type (str): functional form of tax functions numparams (int): number of parameters in the tax functions output_dir (str): output directory for saving plot files graph (bool): whether to plot the estimated functions compared to the data Returns: (tuple): tax function estimation output: * params (Numpy array or function object): vector of estimated parameters or nonparametric function object * wsse (scalar): weighted sum of squared deviations from minimization * obs (int): number of observations in the data, > 600 """ X = df["total_labinc"] Y = df["total_capinc"] wgts = df["weight"] X2 = X**2 Y2 = Y**2 X2bar = (X2 * wgts).sum() / wgts.sum() Xbar = (X * wgts).sum() / wgts.sum() Y2bar = (Y2 * wgts).sum() / wgts.sum() Ybar = (Y * wgts).sum() / wgts.sum() income = X + Y income2 = income**2 Ibar = (income * wgts).sum() / wgts.sum() income2bar = (income2 * wgts).sum() / wgts.sum() if rate_type == "etr": txrates = df["etr"] elif rate_type == "mtrx": txrates = df["mtr_labinc"] elif rate_type == "mtry": txrates = df["mtr_capinc"] x_10pctl = df["total_labinc"].quantile(0.1) y_10pctl = df["total_capinc"].quantile(0.1) x_20pctl = df["total_labinc"].quantile(0.2) y_20pctl = df["total_capinc"].quantile(0.2) min_x = txrates[(df["total_capinc"] < y_10pctl)].min() min_y = txrates[(df["total_labinc"] < x_10pctl)].min() if tax_func_type == "DEP": # ''' # Estimate DeBacker, Evans, Phillips (2018) ratio of polynomial # tax functions. # ''' Atil_init = 1.0 Btil_init = 1.0 Ctil_init = 1.0 Dtil_init = 1.0 max_x_init = np.minimum( txrates[(df["total_capinc"] < y_20pctl)].max(), MAX_ETR + 0.05 ) max_y_init = np.minimum( txrates[(df["total_labinc"] < x_20pctl)].max(), MAX_ETR + 0.05 ) shift = txrates[ (df["total_labinc"] < x_20pctl) | (df["total_capinc"] < y_20pctl) ].min() share_init = 0.5 params_init = np.array( [ Atil_init, Btil_init, Ctil_init, Dtil_init, max_x_init, max_y_init, share_init, ] ) shift_x = 0.0 # temp value shift_y = 0.0 # temp value tx_objs = ( np.array([min_x, min_y, shift_x, shift_y, shift]), X, Y, txrates, wgts, tax_func_type, rate_type, ) lb_max_x = np.maximum(min_x, 0.0) + 1e-4 lb_max_y = np.maximum(min_y, 0.0) + 1e-4 bnds = ( (1e-12, None), (1e-12, None), (1e-12, None), (1e-12, None), (lb_max_x, MAX_ETR + 0.15), (lb_max_y, MAX_ETR + 0.15), (0, 1), ) params_til = opt.minimize( wsumsq, params_init, args=(tx_objs), method="L-BFGS-B", bounds=bnds, tol=1e-15, ) Atil, Btil, Ctil, Dtil, max_x, max_y, share = params_til.x # message = ("(max_x, min_x)=(" + str(max_x) + ", " + str(min_x) + # "), (max_y, min_y)=(" + str(max_y) + ", " + str(min_y) + ")") # print(message) wsse = obs = df.shape[0] shift_x = np.maximum(-min_x, 0.0) + 0.01 * (max_x - min_x) shift_y = np.maximum(-min_y, 0.0) + 0.01 * (max_y - min_y) params = np.zeros(numparams) params[:4] = np.array([Atil, Btil, Ctil, Dtil]) / np.array( [X2bar, Xbar, Y2bar, Ybar] ) params[4:] = np.array( [max_x, max_y, share, min_x, min_y, shift_x, shift_y, shift] ) params_to_plot = params elif tax_func_type == "DEP_totalinc": # ''' # Estimate DeBacker, Evans, Phillips (2018) ratio of polynomial # tax functions as a function of total income. # ''' Atil_init = 1.0 Btil_init = 1.0 max_x_init = np.minimum( txrates[(df["total_capinc"] < y_20pctl)].max(), MAX_ETR + 0.05 ) max_y_init = np.minimum( txrates[(df["total_labinc"] < x_20pctl)].max(), MAX_ETR + 0.05 ) max_income_init = max(max_x_init, max_y_init) min_income = min(min_x, min_y) shift = txrates[ (df["total_labinc"] < x_20pctl) | (df["total_capinc"] < y_20pctl) ].min() share_init = 0.5 shift_inc = 0.0 # temp value params_init = np.array([Atil_init, Btil_init, max_income_init]) tx_objs = ( np.array([min_income, shift_inc, shift]), X, Y, txrates, wgts, tax_func_type, rate_type, ) lb_max_income = np.maximum(min_income, 0.0) + 1e-4 bnds = ((1e-12, None), (1e-12, None), (lb_max_income, MAX_ETR + 0.15)) params_til = opt.minimize( wsumsq, params_init, args=(tx_objs), method="L-BFGS-B", bounds=bnds, tol=1e-15, ) Atil, Btil, max_income = params_til.x wsse = obs = df.shape[0] shift_income = np.maximum(-min_income, 0.0) + 0.01 * ( max_income - min_income ) params = np.zeros(numparams) params[:2] = np.array([Atil, Btil]) / np.array([income2bar, Ibar]) params[2:] = np.array([max_income, min_income, shift_income, shift]) params_to_plot = params elif tax_func_type == "GS": # ''' # Estimate Gouveia-Strauss parameters via least squares. # Need to use a different functional form than for DEP function. # ''' phi0_init = 1.0 phi1_init = 1.0 phi2_init = 1.0 params_init = np.array([phi0_init, phi1_init, phi2_init]) tx_objs = ( np.array([None]), X, Y, txrates, wgts, tax_func_type, rate_type, ) bnds = ((1e-12, None), (1e-12, None), (1e-12, None)) params_til = opt.minimize( wsumsq, params_init, args=(tx_objs), method="L-BFGS-B", bounds=bnds, tol=1e-15, ) phi0til, phi1til, phi2til = params_til.x wsse = obs = df.shape[0] params = np.zeros(numparams) params[:3] = np.array([phi0til, phi1til, phi2til]) params_to_plot = params elif tax_func_type == "linear": # ''' # For linear rates, just take the mean ETR or MTR by age-year. # Can use DEP form and set all parameters except for the shift # parameter to zero. # ''' params = np.zeros(numparams) wsse = 0.0 obs = df.shape[0] params[0] = (txrates * wgts * income).sum() / (income * wgts).sum() params_to_plot = params elif tax_func_type == "mono": # ''' # For monotonically increasing smoothing spline function rates, return # the resulting function object in place of parametric model. # This is the approach we will take with all nonparametric tax # functions and might be the best approach even for our parametric # tax functions. # ''' # Set the number of bins to 500 unless the number of observations is # less-than-or-equal-to 1,000 and greater-than-or-equal-to MIN_OBS. For # that case create a linear function of bin number as 80% of MIN_OBS at # MIN_OBS and 500 bins at 1,000 observations. obs = df.shape[0] slope = (500 - np.round(0.8 * MIN_OBS)) / (1_000 - MIN_OBS) intercept = 500 - slope * 1_000 bin_num = np.minimum(500, slope * obs + intercept) mono_interp, _, wsse_cstr, _, _ = monotone_spline( income, txrates, wgts, bins=bin_num ) wsse = wsse_cstr params = [mono_interp] params_to_plot = params elif tax_func_type == "mono2D": obs = df.shape[0] mono_interp, _, wsse_cstr, _, _ = monotone_spline( # df[["total_labinc", "total_capinc"]].values, # df["etr"].values, # df["weight"].values, np.vstack((X, Y)).T, # X, Y, txrates, wgts, bins=[100, 100], method="pygam", splines=[100, 100], ) wsse = wsse_cstr params = [mono_interp] params_to_plot = params else: raise RuntimeError( "Choice of tax function is not in the set of" + " possible tax functions. Please select" + " from: DEP, DEP_totalinc, GS, linear, mono, mono2D." ) if graph: pp.txfunc_graph( s, t, df, X, Y, txrates, rate_type, tax_func_type, params_to_plot, output_dir, ) # Garbage collection del df, txrates return params, wsse, obs
[docs] def tax_data_sample( data, max_etr=MAX_ETR, min_income=MIN_INCOME, max_mtr=MAX_MTR ): """ Function to create sample tax data for estimation by dropping observations with extreme values. Args: data (DataFrame): raw data from microsimulation model Returns: data (DataFrame): selected sample """ # drop all obs with ETR > MAX_ETR data.drop(data[data["etr"] > MAX_ETR].index, inplace=True) # drop all obs with ETR < MIN_ETR # set min ETR to value at 10th percentile in distribution of ETRs min_etr = data["etr"].quantile(q=0.10) data.drop(data[data["etr"] < min_etr].index, inplace=True) # drop all obs with total market income, labor income, or # capital income < MIN_INCOME data.drop( data[ (data["market_income"] < MIN_INCOME) | (data["total_labinc"] < MIN_INCOME) | (data["total_capinc"] < MIN_INCOME) ].index, inplace=True, ) # drop all obs with MTR on capital income > MAX_MTR data.drop(data[data["mtr_capinc"] > MAX_MTR].index, inplace=True) # drop all obs with MTR on capital income < min_cap_mtr # set min MTR to value at 10th percentile in distribution of MTRs min_cap_mtr = data["mtr_capinc"].quantile(q=0.10) data.drop(data[data["mtr_capinc"] < min_cap_mtr].index, inplace=True) # drop all obs with MTR on labor income > MAX_MTR data.drop(data[data["mtr_labinc"] > MAX_MTR].index, inplace=True) # drop all obs with MTR on labor income < min_lab_mtr min_lab_mtr = data["mtr_labinc"].quantile(q=0.10) data.drop(data[data["mtr_labinc"] < min_lab_mtr].index, inplace=True) return data
[docs] def tax_func_loop( t, data, start_year, s_min, s_max, age_specific, tax_func_type, analytical_mtrs, desc_data, graph_data, graph_est, output_dir, numparams, ): """ Estimates tax functions for a particular year. Looped over. Args: t (int): year of tax data to estimated tax functions for data (Pandas DataFrame): tax return data for year t start_yr (int): first year of budget window s_min (int): minimum age to estimate tax functions for s_max (int): maximum age to estimate tax functions for age_specific (bool): whether to estimate age specific tax functions tax_func_type (str): functional form of tax functions analytical_mtrs (bool): whether to use the analytical derivation of the marginal tax rates (and thus only need to estimate the effective tax rate functions) desc_data (bool): whether to print descriptive statistics graph_data (bool): whether to plot data graph_est (bool): whether to plot estimated coefficients output_dir (str): path to save output to numparams (int): number of parameters in tax functions Returns: (tuple): tax function estimation output: * TotPop_yr (int): total population derived from micro data * Pct_age (Numpy array): fraction of observations that are in each age bin * AvgInc (scalar): mean income in the data * AvgETR (scalar): mean effective tax rate in data * AvgMTRx (scalar): mean marginal tax rate on labor income in data * AvgMTRy (scalar): mean marginal tax rate on capital income in data * frac_tax_payroll (scalar): fraction of total tax revenue the comes from payroll taxes * etrparam_arr (Numpy array): parameters of the effective tax rate functions * etr_wsumsq_arr (Numpy array): weighted sum of squares from estimation of the effective tax rate functions * etr_obs_arr (Numpy array): weighted sum of squares from estimation of the effective tax rate functions * mtrxparam_arr (Numpy array): parameters of the marginal tax rate on labor income functions * mtrx_wsumsq_arr (Numpy array): weighted sum of squares from estimation of the marginal tax rate on labor income functions * mtrx_obs_arr (Numpy array): weighted sum of squares from estimation of the marginal tax rate on labor income functions * mtryparam_arr (Numpy array): parameters of the marginal tax rate on capital income functions * mtry_wsumsq_arr (Numpy array): weighted sum of squares from estimation of the marginal tax rate on capital income functions * mtry_obs_arr (Numpy array): weighted sum of squares from estimation of the marginal tax rate on capital income functions """ # initialize arrays for output etrparam_list = np.zeros(s_max - s_min + 1).tolist() mtrxparam_list = np.zeros(s_max - s_min + 1).tolist() mtryparam_list = np.zeros(s_max - s_min + 1).tolist() etr_wsumsq_arr = np.zeros(s_max - s_min + 1) etr_obs_arr = np.zeros(s_max - s_min + 1) mtrx_wsumsq_arr = np.zeros(s_max - s_min + 1) mtrx_obs_arr = np.zeros(s_max - s_min + 1) mtry_wsumsq_arr = np.zeros(s_max - s_min + 1) mtry_obs_arr = np.zeros(s_max - s_min + 1) PopPct_age = np.zeros(s_max - s_min + 1) # Calculate average total income in each year AvgInc = ((data["market_income"] * data["weight"]).sum()) / data[ "weight" ].sum() # Calculate average ETR and MTRs (weight by population weights # and income) for each year AvgETR = ((data["etr"] * data["market_income"] * data["weight"]).sum()) / ( data["market_income"] * data["weight"] ).sum() AvgMTRx = ( (data["mtr_labinc"] * data["market_income"] * data["weight"]).sum() ) / (data["market_income"] * data["weight"]).sum() AvgMTRy = ( (data["mtr_capinc"] * data["market_income"] * data["weight"]).sum() ) / (data["market_income"] * data["weight"]).sum() # Caulcatoe fraction of total tax liability that is from payroll # taxes frac_tax_payroll = (data["payroll_tax_liab"] * data["weight"]).sum() / ( data["total_tax_liab"] * data["weight"] ).sum() # Calculate total population in each year TotPop_yr = data["weight"].sum() # Clean up the data by dropping outliers data = tax_data_sample(data) # Create an array of the different ages in the data min_age = int(np.maximum(data["age"].min(), s_min)) max_age = int(np.minimum(data["age"].max(), s_max)) if age_specific: ages_list = np.arange(min_age, max_age + 1) else: ages_list = np.arange(0, 1) NoData_cnt = np.min(min_age - s_min, 0) # Each age s must be done in serial for s in ages_list: if age_specific: print("Year=", t, "Age=", s) df = data[data["age"] == s] PopPct_age[s - min_age] = df["weight"].sum() / TotPop_yr else: print("year=", t, "age= all ages") df = data PopPct_age[0] = df["weight"].sum() / TotPop_yr df_etr = df.loc[ df[ (np.isfinite(df["etr"])) & (np.isfinite(df["total_labinc"])) & (np.isfinite(df["total_capinc"])) & (np.isfinite(df["weight"])) ].index, [ "mtr_labinc", "mtr_capinc", "total_labinc", "total_capinc", "etr", "weight", ], ].copy() df_mtrx = df.loc[ df[ (np.isfinite(df["mtr_labinc"])) & (np.isfinite(df["total_labinc"])) & (np.isfinite(df["total_capinc"])) & (np.isfinite(df["weight"])) ].index, ["mtr_labinc", "total_labinc", "total_capinc", "weight"], ].copy() df_mtry = df.loc[ df[ (np.isfinite(df["mtr_capinc"])) & (np.isfinite(df["total_labinc"])) & (np.isfinite(df["total_capinc"])) & (np.isfinite(df["weight"])) ].index, ["mtr_capinc", "total_labinc", "total_capinc", "weight"], ].copy() df_minobs = np.min( [df_etr.shape[0], df_mtrx.shape[0], df_mtry.shape[0]] ) del df if df_minobs < MIN_OBS and s < max_age: # ''' # -------------------------------------------------------- # Don't estimate function on this iteration if obs < 240. # Will fill in later with interpolated values # -------------------------------------------------------- # ''' message = ( "Insuff. sample size for age " + str(s) + " in year " + str(t) ) print(message) NoData_cnt += 1 etrparam_list[s - s_min] = None mtrxparam_list[s - s_min] = None mtryparam_list[s - s_min] = None elif df_minobs < MIN_OBS and s == max_age: # ''' # -------------------------------------------------------- # If last period does not have sufficient data, fill in # final missing age data with last positive year # -------------------------------------------------------- # lastp_etr = (numparams,) vector, vector of parameter # estimates from previous age with sufficient # observations # lastp_mtrx = (numparams,) vector, vector of parameter # estimates from previous age with sufficient # observations # lastp_mtry = (numparams,) vector, vector of parameter # estimates from previous age with sufficient # observations # -------------------------------------------------------- # ''' message = ( "Max age (s=" + str(s) + ") insuff. data in" + " year " + str(t) + ". Fill in final ages with " + "insuff. data with most recent successful " + "estimate." ) print(message) NoData_cnt += 1 lastp_etr = etrparam_list[s - NoData_cnt - s_min] etrparam_list[s - NoData_cnt - s_min + 1 :] = [lastp_etr] * ( NoData_cnt + s_max - max_age ) lastp_mtrx = mtrxparam_list[s - NoData_cnt - s_min] mtrxparam_list[s - NoData_cnt - s_min + 1 :] = [lastp_mtrx] * ( NoData_cnt + s_max - max_age ) lastp_mtry = mtryparam_list[s - NoData_cnt - s_min] mtryparam_list[s - NoData_cnt - s_min + 1 :] = [lastp_mtry] * ( NoData_cnt + s_max - max_age ) else: # Estimate parameters for age with sufficient data if desc_data: # print some desciptive stats message = ( "Descriptive ETR statistics for age=" + str(s) + " in year " + str(t) ) print(message) print(df_etr.describe()) message = ( "Descriptive MTRx statistics for age=" + str(s) + " in year " + str(t) ) print(message) print(df_mtrx.describe()) message = ( "Descriptive MTRy statistics for age=" + str(s) + " in year " + str(t) ) print(message) print(df_mtry.describe()) if graph_data: pp.gen_3Dscatters_hist(df_etr, s, t, output_dir) # Estimate effective tax rate function ETR(x,y) ( etrparams, etr_wsumsq_arr[s - s_min], etr_obs_arr[s - s_min], ) = txfunc_est( df_etr, s, t, "etr", tax_func_type, numparams, output_dir, graph_est, ) etrparam_list[s - s_min] = etrparams del df_etr # Estimate marginal tax rate of labor income function # MTRx(x,y) ( mtrxparams, mtrx_wsumsq_arr[s - s_min], mtrx_obs_arr[s - s_min], ) = txfunc_est( df_mtrx, s, t, "mtrx", tax_func_type, numparams, output_dir, graph_est, ) mtrxparam_list[s - s_min] = mtrxparams del df_mtrx # Estimate marginal tax rate of capital income function # MTRy(x,y) ( mtryparams, mtry_wsumsq_arr[s - s_min], mtry_obs_arr[s - s_min], ) = txfunc_est( df_mtry, s, t, "mtry", tax_func_type, numparams, output_dir, graph_est, ) mtryparam_list[s - s_min] = mtryparams del df_mtry if NoData_cnt > 0 & NoData_cnt == s - s_min: # ''' # ---------------------------------------------------- # Fill in initial blanks with first positive data # estimates. This includes the case in which # min_age > s_min # ---------------------------------------------------- # ''' message = "Fill in all previous blank ages" print(message) etrparam_list[: s - s_min] = [etrparams] * (s - s_min) mtrxparam_list[: s - s_min] = [mtrxparams] * (s - s_min) mtryparam_list[: s - s_min] = [mtryparams] * (s - s_min) elif ( (NoData_cnt > 0) & (NoData_cnt < s - s_min) & (tax_func_type != "mono") ): # ''' # ------------------------------------------------------------- # For all parametric tax function types (not "mono"), fill in # interior data gaps with linear interpolation between # bracketing positive data ages. In all of these cases, # min_age < s <= max_age. # ------------------------------------------------------------- # tvals = (NoData_cnt+2,) vector, linearly # space points between 0 and 1 # x0_etr = (NoData_cnt x 10) matrix, positive # estimates at beginning of no data # spell # x1_etr = (NoData_cnt x 10) matrix, positive # estimates at end (current period) of # no data spell # lin_int_etr = (NoData_cnt x 10) matrix, linearly # interpolated etr parameters between # x0_etr and x1_etr # x0_mtrx = (NoData_cnt x 10) matrix, positive # estimates at beginning of no data # spell # x1_mtrx = (NoData_cnt x 10) matrix, positive # estimates at end (current period) of # no data spell # lin_int_mtrx = (NoData_cnt x 10) matrix, linearly # interpolated mtrx parameters between # x0_mtrx and x1_mtrx # ------------------------------------------------------------- # ''' message = "Linearly interpolate previous blank tax functions" print(message) tvals = np.linspace(0, 1, NoData_cnt + 2) x0_etr = np.tile( etrparam_list[s - NoData_cnt - s_min - 1].reshape( (1, numparams) ), (NoData_cnt, 1), ) x1_etr = np.tile( etrparams.reshape((1, numparams)), (NoData_cnt, 1) ) lin_int_etr = x0_etr + tvals[1:-1].reshape((NoData_cnt, 1)) * ( x1_etr - x0_etr ) x0_mtrx = np.tile( mtrxparam_list[s - NoData_cnt - s_min - 1].reshape( (1, numparams) ), (NoData_cnt, 1), ) x1_mtrx = np.tile( mtrxparams.reshape((1, numparams)), (NoData_cnt, 1) ) lin_int_mtrx = x0_mtrx + tvals[1:-1].reshape( (NoData_cnt, 1) ) * (x1_mtrx - x0_mtrx) x0_mtry = np.tile( mtryparam_list[s - NoData_cnt - s_min - 1].reshape( (1, numparams) ), (NoData_cnt, 1), ) x1_mtry = np.tile( mtryparams.reshape((1, numparams)), (NoData_cnt, 1) ) lin_int_mtry = x0_mtry + tvals[1:-1].reshape( (NoData_cnt, 1) ) * (x1_mtry - x0_mtry) for s_ind in range(NoData_cnt): etrparam_list[s - NoData_cnt - min_age + s_ind] = ( lin_int_etr[s_ind, :] ) mtrxparam_list[s - NoData_cnt - min_age + s_ind] = ( lin_int_mtrx[s_ind, :] ) mtryparam_list[s - NoData_cnt - min_age + s_ind] = ( lin_int_mtry[s_ind, :] ) elif ( (NoData_cnt > 0) & (NoData_cnt < s - s_min) & (tax_func_type == "mono") ): # ''' # ------------------------------------------------------------- # For all nonparametric tax function types ("mono"), fill in # interior data gaps with the previous estimated interpolating # function (no interpolation between last function and current # function). In all of these cases, min_age < s <= max_age. # ------------------------------------------------------------- etrparam_list[s - NoData_cnt - min_age : s - min_age] = [ etrparam_list[s - NoData_cnt - s_min - 1] ] * NoData_cnt mtrxparam_list[s - NoData_cnt - min_age : s - min_age] = [ mtrxparam_list[s - NoData_cnt - s_min - 1] ] * NoData_cnt mtryparam_list[s - NoData_cnt - min_age : s - min_age] = [ mtryparam_list[s - NoData_cnt - s_min - 1] ] * NoData_cnt NoData_cnt == 0 if s == max_age and max_age < s_max: # ''' # ---------------------------------------------------- # If the last age estimates, and max_age< s_max, fill # in the remaining ages with these last estimates # ---------------------------------------------------- # ''' message = "Fill in all remaining old age tax functions." print(message) etrparam_list[s - s_min + 1 :] = [etrparams] * ( s_max - max_age ) mtrxparam_list[s - s_min + 1 :] = [mtrxparams] * ( s_max - max_age ) mtryparam_list[s - s_min + 1 :] = [mtryparams] * ( s_max - max_age ) return ( TotPop_yr, PopPct_age, AvgInc, AvgETR, AvgMTRx, AvgMTRy, frac_tax_payroll, etrparam_list, etr_wsumsq_arr, etr_obs_arr, mtrxparam_list, mtrx_wsumsq_arr, mtrx_obs_arr, mtryparam_list, mtry_wsumsq_arr, mtry_obs_arr, )
[docs] def tax_func_estimate( micro_data, BW, S, starting_age, ending_age, start_year=DEFAULT_START_YEAR, baseline=True, analytical_mtrs=False, tax_func_type="DEP", age_specific=False, reform={}, data=None, desc_data=False, graph_data=False, graph_est=False, client=None, num_workers=1, tax_func_path=None, ): """ This function performs analysis on the source data from microsimulation model and estimates functions for the effective tax rate (ETR), marginal tax rate on labor income (MTRx), and marginal tax rate on capital income (MTRy). Args: micro_data (dict): Dictionary of DataFrames with micro data BW (int): number of years in the budget window (the period over which tax policy is assumed to vary) S (int): number of model periods a model agent is economically active for starting_age (int): minimum age to estimate tax functions for ending_age (int): maximum age to estimate tax functions for start_yr (int): first year of budget window baseline (bool): whether these are the baseline tax functions analytical_mtrs (bool): whether to use the analytical derivation of the marginal tax rates (and thus only need to estimate the effective tax rate functions) tax_func_type (str): functional form of tax functions age_specific (bool): whether to estimate age specific tax functions reform (dict): policy reform dictionary for Tax-Calculator data (str or Pandas DataFrame): path to or data to use in Tax-Calculator client (Dask client object): client num_workers (int): number of workers to use for parallelization with Dask tax_func_path (str): path to save pickle with estimated tax function parameters to Returns: dict_param (dict): dictionary with tax function parameters """ s_min = starting_age + 1 s_max = ending_age start_year = int(start_year) end_yr = int(start_year + BW - 1) print("BW = ", BW, "begin year = ", start_year, "end year = ", end_yr) tax_func_type_num_params_dict = { "DEP": 12, "DEP_totalinc": 6, "GS": 3, "linear": 1, "mono": 1, "mono2D": 1, } numparams = int(tax_func_type_num_params_dict[tax_func_type]) years_list = np.arange(start_year, end_yr + 1) if age_specific: ages_list = np.arange(s_min, s_max + 1) else: ages_list = np.arange(0, 1) # initialize arrays for output etrparam_list = np.zeros(BW).tolist() mtrxparam_list = np.zeros(BW).tolist() mtryparam_list = np.zeros(BW).tolist() etr_wsumsq_arr = np.zeros((BW, s_max - s_min + 1)) etr_obs_arr = np.zeros((BW, s_max - s_min + 1)) mtrx_wsumsq_arr = np.zeros((BW, s_max - s_min + 1)) mtrx_obs_arr = np.zeros((BW, s_max - s_min + 1)) mtry_wsumsq_arr = np.zeros((BW, s_max - s_min + 1)) mtry_obs_arr = np.zeros((BW, s_max - s_min + 1)) AvgInc = np.zeros(BW) AvgETR = np.zeros(BW) AvgMTRx = np.zeros(BW) AvgMTRy = np.zeros(BW) frac_tax_payroll = np.zeros(BW) TotPop_yr = np.zeros(BW) PopPct_age = np.zeros((BW, s_max - s_min + 1)) # ''' # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Solve for tax functions for each year (t) and each age (s) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # start_time = scalar, current processor time in seconds (float) # output_dir = string, directory to which plots will be saved # micro_data = dictionary, BW (one for each year) DataFrames, # each of which has variables with observations from # Tax-Calculator # t = integer >= start_year, index for year of analysis # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # ''' start_time = time.time() if not tax_func_path: output_dir = os.path.join(CUR_PATH, "OUTPUT", "TaxFunctions") else: output_dir = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(tax_func_path), "OUTPUT", "TaxFunctions" ) if not os.access(output_dir, os.F_OK): os.makedirs(output_dir) lazy_values = [] for t in years_list: lazy_values.append( delayed(tax_func_loop)( t, micro_data[str(t)], start_year, s_min, s_max, age_specific, tax_func_type, analytical_mtrs, desc_data, graph_data, graph_est, output_dir, numparams, ) ) if client: futures = client.compute(lazy_values, num_workers=num_workers) results = client.gather(futures) else: results = results = compute( *lazy_values, scheduler=dask.multiprocessing.get, num_workers=num_workers, ) # Garbage collection del micro_data # for i, result in results.items(): for i, result in enumerate(results): ( TotPop_yr[i], PopPct_age[i, :], AvgInc[i], AvgETR[i], AvgMTRx[i], AvgMTRy[i], frac_tax_payroll[i], etrparam_list[i], etr_wsumsq_arr[i, :], etr_obs_arr[i, :], mtrxparam_list[i], mtrx_wsumsq_arr[i, :], mtrx_obs_arr[i, :], mtryparam_list[i], mtry_wsumsq_arr[i, :], mtry_obs_arr[i, :], ) = result message = ( "Finished tax function loop through " + str(len(years_list)) + " years and " + str(len(ages_list)) + " ages per year." ) print(message) elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time # Print tax function computation time if elapsed_time < 60: # less than a minute secs = round(elapsed_time, 3) message = "Tax function estimation time: " + str(secs) + " sec" print(message) elif elapsed_time >= 60 and elapsed_time < 3600: # less than hour mins = int(elapsed_time / 60) secs = round(((elapsed_time / 60) - mins) * 60, 1) message = ( "Tax function estimation time: " + str(mins) + " min, " + str(secs) + " sec" ) print(message) elif elapsed_time >= 3600 and elapsed_time < 86400: # less than day hours = int(elapsed_time / (60 * 60)) mins = int((elapsed_time - (hours * 60 * 60)) / 60) secs = round(elapsed_time - (hours * 60 * 60) - (mins * 60), 1) message = ( "Tax function estimation time: " + str(hours) + " hour(s), " + str(mins) + " min(s), " + str(secs) + " sec(s)" ) print(message) # ''' # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Replace outlier tax functions (SSE>mean+2.5*std) with linear # interpolation for parametric tax functions (not "mono"). We make two # passes (filtering runs). # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ''' if age_specific and tax_func_type != "mono": age_sup = np.linspace(s_min, s_max, s_max - s_min + 1) se_mult = 3.5 etr_sse_big = find_outliers( etr_wsumsq_arr / etr_obs_arr, age_sup, se_mult, start_year, "ETR", graph=graph_est, ) if etr_sse_big.sum() > 0: etrparam_list_adj = replace_outliers(etrparam_list, etr_sse_big) elif etr_sse_big.sum() == 0: etrparam_list_adj = etrparam_list mtrx_sse_big = find_outliers( mtrx_wsumsq_arr / mtrx_obs_arr, age_sup, se_mult, start_year, "MTRx", graph=graph_est, ) if mtrx_sse_big.sum() > 0: mtrxparam_list_adj = replace_outliers(mtrxparam_list, mtrx_sse_big) elif mtrx_sse_big.sum() == 0: mtrxparam_list_adj = mtrxparam_list mtry_sse_big = find_outliers( mtry_wsumsq_arr / mtry_obs_arr, age_sup, se_mult, start_year, "MTRy", graph=graph_est, ) if mtry_sse_big.sum() > 0: mtryparam_list_adj = replace_outliers(mtryparam_list, mtry_sse_big) elif mtry_sse_big.sum() == 0: mtryparam_list_adj = mtryparam_list # ''' # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Generate tax function parameters for S < s_max - s_min + 1 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # etrparam_list_S (list BW x S x numparams): this is an array in which S is # less-than-or-equal-to s_max-s_min+1. We use weighted averages of # parameters in relevant age groups # mtrxparam_list_S (list BW x S x numparams): this is an array in which S # is less-than-or-equal-to s_max-s_min+1. We use weighted averages of # parameters in relevant age groups # age_cuts = (S+1,) vector, linspace of age cutoffs of S+1 points # between 0 and S+1 # yrcut_lb = integer >= 0, index of lower bound age for S bin # yrcut_ub = integer >= 0, index of upper bound age for S bin # rmndr_pct_lb = scalar in [0,1], discounted weight on lower bound age # rmndr_pct_ub = scalar in [0,1], discounted weight on upper bound age # age_wgts = ages x BW x 10 array, age weights for each age in # each year copied back 10 times in the 3rd dimension # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # ''' if age_specific and tax_func_type != "mono": if S == s_max - s_min + 1: etrparam_list_S = etrparam_list_adj mtrxparam_list_S = mtrxparam_list_adj mtryparam_list_S = mtryparam_list_adj elif S < s_max - s_min + 1: etrparam_list_S = np.zeros((BW, S)).tolist() mtrxparam_list_S = np.zeros((BW, S)).tolist() mtryparam_list_S = np.zeros((BW, S)).tolist() age_cuts = np.linspace(0, s_max - s_min + 1, S + 1) yrcut_lb = int(age_cuts[0]) rmndr_pct_lb = 1.0 for bw in range(BW): for s in range(S): yrcut_ub = int(np.floor(age_cuts[s + 1])) rmndr_pct_ub = age_cuts[s + 1] - np.floor(age_cuts[s + 1]) if rmndr_pct_ub == 0.0: rmndr_pct_ub = 1.0 yrcut_ub -= 1 age_wgts = PopPct_age[bw, yrcut_lb : yrcut_ub + 1] age_wgts[0] *= rmndr_pct_lb age_wgts[yrcut_ub - yrcut_lb] *= rmndr_pct_ub etrparam_list_S[bw][s] = ( etrparam_list_adj[bw][yrcut_lb : yrcut_ub + 1] * age_wgts ).sum() mtrxparam_list_S[bw][s] = ( mtrxparam_list_adj[bw][yrcut_lb : yrcut_ub + 1] * age_wgts ).sum() mtryparam_list_S[bw][s] = ( mtryparam_list_adj[bw][yrcut_lb : yrcut_ub + 1] * age_wgts ).sum() yrcut_lb = yrcut_ub rmndr_pct_lb = 1 - rmndr_pct_ub else: err_msg( "txfunc ERROR: S is larger than the difference between " + "the minimum age and the maximum age specified. Please " + "choose an S such that a model period equals at least " + "one calendar year." ) raise ValueError(err_msg) print("Big S: ", S) print("max age, min age: ", s_max, s_min) elif age_specific and tax_func_type == "mono": if S == s_max - s_min + 1: etrparam_list_S = etrparam_list_adj mtrxparam_list_S = mtrxparam_list_adj mtryparam_list_S = mtryparam_list_adj elif S < s_max - s_min + 1: err_msg = ( "txfunc ERROR: tax_func_type = mono and S < s_max - " + "s_min + 1" ) raise ValueError(err_msg) else: err_msg( "txfunc ERROR: S is larger than the difference between " + "the minimum age and the maximum age specified. Please " + "choose an S such that a model period equals at least " + "one calendar year." ) raise ValueError(err_msg) print("Big S: ", S) print("max age, min age: ", s_max, s_min) elif not age_specific: etrparam_list_S = np.zeros((BW, S)).tolist() mtrxparam_list_S = np.zeros((BW, S)).tolist() mtryparam_list_S = np.zeros((BW, S)).tolist() for bw in range(BW): etrparam_list_S[bw][:] = [etrparam_list[bw][0 - s_min]] * S mtrxparam_list_S[bw][:] = [mtrxparam_list[bw][0 - s_min]] * S mtryparam_list_S[bw][:] = [mtryparam_list[bw][0 - s_min]] * S # Save tax function parameters array and computation time in # dictionary dict_params = dict( [ ("tfunc_etr_params_S", etrparam_list_S), ("tfunc_mtrx_params_S", mtrxparam_list_S), ("tfunc_mtry_params_S", mtryparam_list_S), ("tfunc_avginc", AvgInc), ("tfunc_avg_etr", AvgETR), ("tfunc_avg_mtrx", AvgMTRx), ("tfunc_avg_mtry", AvgMTRy), ("tfunc_frac_tax_payroll", frac_tax_payroll), ("tfunc_etr_sumsq", etr_wsumsq_arr), ("tfunc_mtrx_sumsq", mtrx_wsumsq_arr), ("tfunc_mtry_sumsq", mtry_wsumsq_arr), ("tfunc_etr_obs", etr_obs_arr), ("tfunc_mtrx_obs", mtrx_obs_arr), ("tfunc_mtry_obs", mtry_obs_arr), ("tfunc_time", elapsed_time), ("tax_func_type", tax_func_type), ("start_year", start_year), ("BW", BW), ] ) if tax_func_path: with open(tax_func_path, "wb") as f: try: pickle.dump(dict_params, f) except AttributeError: cloudpickle.dump(dict_params, f) return dict_params
def avg_by_bin_multd(x, y, bins, weights=None): """ Args: x (numpy array): 2d with dimensions n by m used for binning y (numpy array): 1d with length n bins (numpy array): 1d with length m, each entry must divide n and is number of bins for corresponding column in x weights (None or numpy array): 1d with length n specifying weight of each observation. if None then array of ones Returns: xNew (numpy array): 2d with second dimension m, first dimension is product of elements in bins, with each entry representative of bin across all the features yNew (numpy array): 1d with length same as first dimension of xWeight, weighted average of y's corresponding to each entry of xWeight weightsNew (numpy array): 1d with length same as yNew, weight corresponding to each xNew, yNew row """ if x.shape[1] != len(bins): message = "Dimensions of x and bins don't match: {} != {}".format( x.shape[1], len(bins) ) raise ValueError(message) else: size = tupleBins = tuple(bins) xNew = np.zeros((size, x.shape[1]), dtype=float) yNew = np.zeros(size, dtype=float) weightsNew = np.zeros(size, dtype=float) # iterate through each of the final bins, which consists of bins for each feature # for each, only retain entries falling in that bin for i in range(size): index = list(np.unravel_index(i, tupleBins)) valid = np.ones(x.shape[0], dtype=bool) for j, v in enumerate(index): valid &= ( x[:, j] >= np.percentile(x[:, j], v * 100 / bins[j]) ) & (x[:, j] < np.percentile(x[:, j], (v + 1) * 100 / bins[j])) if np.sum(valid) != 0: xNew[i, :] = np.average( x[valid], axis=0, weights=weights[valid] ) yNew[i] = np.average(y[valid], axis=0, weights=weights[valid]) weightsNew[i] = np.sum(weights[valid]) xNew = xNew[~(weightsNew == 0)] yNew = yNew[~(weightsNew == 0)] weightsNew = weightsNew[~(weightsNew == 0)] return xNew, yNew, weightsNew
[docs] def monotone_spline( x, y, weights, bins=None, lam=12, kap=1e7, incl_uncstr=False, show_plot=False, method="eilers", splines=None, plot_start=0, plot_end=100, ): """ Args: method (string): 'eilers' or 'pygam' splines (None or array-like): for 'pygam' only (otherwise set None), number of splines used for each feature, if None use default plot_start/plot_end (number between 0, 100): for 'pygam' only if show_plot = True, start and end for percentile of data used in plot, can result in better visualizations if original data has strong outliers Returns: xNew (numpy array): 2d with second dimension m, first dimension is product of elements in bins, with each entry representative of bin across all the features yNew (numpy array): 1d with length same as first dimension of xWeight, weighted average of y's corresponding to each entry of xWeight weightsNew (numpy array): 1d with length same as yNew, weight corresponding to each xNew, yNew row """ if method == "pygam": if len(x.shape) == 1: x = np.expand_dims(x, axis=1) if splines != None and len(splines) != x.shape[1]: err_msg = ( " pygam method requires splines to be None or " + " same length as # of columns in x, " + str(len(splines)) + " != " + str(x.shape[1]) ) raise ValueError(err_msg) # bin data if bins == None: x_binned, y_binned, weights_binned = x, y, weights else: x_binned, y_binned, weights_binned = avg_by_bin_multd( x, y, bins, weights ) # setup pygam parameters- in addition to 's' spline terms, can also have 't' tensor # terms which are interactions between two variables. 't' terms also need monotonic constraints # to satisfy previous constraints, they actually impose stronger restriction if splines == None: tempCstr = s(0, constraints="monotonic_inc") for i in range(1, x_binned.shape[1]): tempCstr += s(i, constraints="monotonic_inc") tempUncstr = s(0) for i in range(1, x_binned.shape[1]): tempUncstr += s(i) else: tempCstr = s(0, constraints="monotonic_inc", n_splines=splines[0]) for i in range(1, x_binned.shape[1]): tempCstr += s( i, constraints="monotonic_inc", n_splines=splines[i] ) tempUncstr = s(0, n_splines=splines[0]) for i in range(1, x_binned.shape[1]): tempUncstr += s(i, n_splines=splines[i]) # fit data gamCstr = LinearGAM(tempCstr).fit(x_binned, y_binned, weights_binned) y_cstr = gamCstr.predict(x_binned) wsse_cstr = (weights_binned * ((y_cstr - y_binned) ** 2)).sum() if incl_uncstr: gamUncstr = LinearGAM(tempUncstr).fit( x_binned, y_binned, weights_binned ) y_uncstr = gamUncstr.predict(x_binned) wsse_uncstr = (weights_binned * ((y_uncstr - y_binned) ** 2)).sum() else: y_uncstr = None wsse_uncstr = None if show_plot: if x.shape[1] == 2: fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw={"projection": "3d"}) # select data in [plot_start, end] percentile across both features # this can be rewritten to generalize for n-dimensions, but didn't know how to plot that xactPlot = x[ (x[:, 0] >= np.percentile(x[:, 0], plot_start)) & (x[:, 0] <= np.percentile(x[:, 0], plot_end)) & (x[:, 1] >= np.percentile(x[:, 1], plot_start)) & (x[:, 1] <= np.percentile(x[:, 1], plot_end)) ] yactPlot = y[ (x[:, 0] >= np.percentile(x[:, 0], plot_start)) & (x[:, 0] <= np.percentile(x[:, 0], plot_end)) & (x[:, 1] >= np.percentile(x[:, 1], plot_start)) & (x[:, 1] <= np.percentile(x[:, 1], plot_end)) ] ax.scatter( xactPlot[:, 0], xactPlot[:, 1], yactPlot, color="black", s=0.8, alpha=0.25, ) x0 = np.linspace( np.percentile(x[:, 0], plot_start), np.percentile(x[:, 0], plot_end), 1000, ) x1 = np.linspace( np.percentile(x[:, 1], plot_start), np.percentile(x[:, 1], plot_end), 1000, ) X0, X1 = np.meshgrid(x0, x1) yPred = gamCstr.predict( np.array([X0.flatten(), X1.flatten()]).T ) ax.plot_surface( X0, X1, yPred.reshape(x0.shape[0], -1), color="red" ) ax.set_label("Monotonic GAM spline with all data") if x.shape[1] == 1: plt.scatter( x, y, linestyle="None", color="gray", s=0.8, alpha=0.7, label="All data", ) plt.plot( x, y_cstr, color="red", alpha=1.0, label="Monotonic GAM spline", ) if incl_uncstr: plt.plot( x, y_uncstr, color="blue", alpha=1.0, label="Unconstrained GAM spline", ) plt.close() def interp(x): return gamCstr.predict(x) return interp, y_cstr, wsse_cstr, y_uncstr, wsse_uncstr if method == "eilers": # create binned and weighted x and y data if bins: if not np.isscalar(bins): err_msg = ( "monotone_spline2 ERROR: bins value is not type scalar" ) raise ValueError(err_msg) N = int(bins) x_binned, y_binned, weights_binned = utils.avg_by_bin( x, y, weights, N ) elif not bins: N = len(x) x_binned = x y_binned = y weights_binned = weights # Prepare bases (Imat) and penalty dd = 3 E = np.eye(N) D3 = np.diff(E, n=dd, axis=0) D1 = np.diff(E, n=1, axis=0) # Monotone smoothing ws = np.zeros(N - 1) weights_binned = weights_binned.reshape(len(weights_binned), 1) weights1 = 0.5 * weights_binned[1:, :] + 0.5 * weights_binned[:-1, :] weights3 = ( 0.25 * weights_binned[3:, :] + 0.25 * weights_binned[2:-1, :] + 0.25 * weights_binned[1:-2, :] + 0.25 * weights_binned[:-3, :] ).flatten() for it in range(30): Ws = np.diag(ws * kap) mon_cof = np.linalg.solve( E + lam * D3.T @ np.diag(weights3) @ D3 + D1.T @ (Ws * weights1) @ D1, y_binned, ) ws_new = (D1 @ mon_cof < 0.0) * 1 dw = np.sum(ws != ws_new) ws = ws_new if dw == 0: break # Monotonic and non monotonic fits y_cstr = mon_cof wsse_cstr = (weights_binned * ((y_cstr - y_binned) ** 2)).sum() if incl_uncstr: y_uncstr = np.linalg.solve( E + lam * D3.T @ np.diag(weights3) @ D3, y_binned ) wsse_uncstr = (weights_binned * ((y_uncstr - y_binned) ** 2)).sum() else: y_uncstr = None wsse_uncstr = None def mono_interp(x_vec): # replace last point in data with two copies further out to make smooth # extrapolation x_new = np.append( x_binned[:-1], [1.005 * x_binned[-1], 1.01 * x_binned[-1]] ) y_cstr_new = np.append(y_cstr[:-1], [y_cstr[-1], y_cstr[-1]]) # Create interpolating cubic spline for interior points inter_interpl = intp(x_new, y_cstr_new, kind="cubic") y_pred = np.zeros_like(x_vec) x_lt_min = x_vec < x_binned.min() x_gt_max = x_vec > x_new.max() x_inter = (x_vec >= x_binned.min()) & (x_vec <= x_new.max()) y_pred[x_inter] = inter_interpl(x_vec[x_inter]) # extrapolate the maximum for values above the maximum y_pred[x_gt_max] = y_cstr[-1] # linear extrapolation of last two points for values below the min slope = (y_cstr[1] - y_cstr[0]) / (x_binned[1] - x_binned[0]) intercept = y_cstr[0] - slope * x_binned[0] y_pred[x_lt_min] = slope * x_vec[x_lt_min] + intercept return y_pred if show_plot: plt.scatter( x, y, linestyle="None", color="gray", s=0.8, alpha=0.7, label="All data", ) if not bins: plt.plot( x, y_cstr, color="red", alpha=1.0, label="Monotonic smooth spline", ) if incl_uncstr: plt.plot( x, y_uncstr, color="blue", alpha=1.0, label="Unconstrained smooth spline", ) else: plt.scatter( x_binned, y_binned, linestyle="None", color="black", s=0.8, alpha=0.7, label="Binned data averages", ) plt.plot( x, mono_interp(x), color="red", alpha=1.0, label="Monotonic smooth spline", ) if incl_uncstr: plt.plot( x_binned, y_uncstr, color="blue", alpha=1.0, label="Unconstrained smooth spline", ) plt.legend(loc="lower right") plt.close() return mono_interp, y_cstr, wsse_cstr, y_uncstr, wsse_uncstr err_msg = method + " method not supported, must be 'eilers' or 'pygam'" raise ValueError(err_msg)