Output Table Functions#
**output_tabls.py modules*
- ogcore.output_tables.dynamic_revenue_decomposition(base_params, base_tpi, base_ss, reform_params, reform_tpi, reform_ss, num_years=10, include_SS=True, include_overall=True, include_business_tax=True, full_break_out=False, start_year=2025, table_format=None, path=None)[source]#
This function decomposes the source of changes in tax revenues to determine the percentage change in tax revenues that can be attributed to macroeconomic feedback effects.
- Parameters:
base_params (OG-Core Specifications class) – baseline parameters object
base_tpi (dictionary) – TP output from baseline run
base_ss (dictionary) – SS output from baseline run
reform_params (OG-Core Specifications class) – reform parameters object
reform_tpi (dictionary) – TP output from reform run
reform_ss (dictionary) – SS output from reform run
num_years (integer) – number of years to include in table
include_SS (bool) – whether to include the steady-state results in the table
include_overall (bool) – whether to include results over the entire budget window as a column in the table
include_business_tax (bool) – whether to include business tax revenue changes in result
full_break_out (bool) – whether to break out behavioral and macro effects
start_year (integer) – year to start table
table_format (string) – format to return table in: ‘csv’, ‘tex’, ‘excel’, ‘json’, if None, a DataFrame is returned
path (string) – path to save table to
- Returns:
- table in DataFrame or string format or None
if saved to disk
- Return type:
table (various)
The decomposition is the following: 1. Simulate the baseline and reform in OG-Core. Save the
resulting series of tax revenues. Call these series for the baseline and reform A and D, respectively.
Create a third revenue series that is computed using the baseline behavior (i.e., b_s and n) and macro variables (tr, bq, r, w), but with the tax function parameter estimates from the reform policy. Call this series B.
Create a fourth revenue series that is computed using the reform behavior (i.e., b_s and n) and tax functions estimated on the reform tax policy, but the macro variables (tr, bq, r, w) from the baseline. Call this series C.
Calculate the percentage difference between B and A – call this the “static” change from the macro model. Calculate the percentage difference between C and B – call this the behavioral effects. Calculate the percentage difference between D and C – call this the macroeconomic effect. The full dynamic effect is difference between C and A.
One can apply the percentage difference from the macro feedback effect to (“static”) revenue estimates from the policy change to produce an estimate of the revenue including macro feedback.
- ogcore.output_tables.gini_table(base_ss, base_params, reform_ss=None, reform_params=None, var_list=['c'], table_format=None, path=None)[source]#
Creates table with measures of the Gini coefficient: overall, across lifetime earnings group, and across age.
- Parameters:
base_ss (dictionary) – SS output from baseline run
base_params (OG-Core Specifications class) – baseline parameters object
reform_ss (dictionary) – SS output from reform run
reform_params (OG-Core Specifications class) – reform parameters object
var_list (list) – names of variable to use in table
table_format (string) – format to return table in: ‘csv’, ‘tex’, ‘excel’, ‘json’, if None, a DataFrame is returned
path (string) – path to save table to
- Returns:
- table in DataFrame or string format or None
if saved to disk
- Return type:
table (various)
- ogcore.output_tables.ineq_table(base_ss, base_params, reform_ss=None, reform_params=None, var_list=['c'], table_format=None, path=None)[source]#
Creates table with various inequality measures in the model steady-state.
- Parameters:
base_ss (dictionary) – SS output from baseline run
base_params (OG-Core Specifications class) – baseline parameters object
reform_ss (dictionary) – SS output from reform run
reform_params (OG-Core Specifications class) – reform parameters object
var_list (list) – names of variable to use in table
table_format (string) – format to return table in: ‘csv’, ‘tex’, ‘excel’, ‘json’, if None, a DataFrame is returned
path (string) – path to save table to
- Returns:
- table in DataFrame or string format or None
if saved to disk
- Return type:
table (various)
- ogcore.output_tables.macro_table(base_tpi, base_params, reform_tpi=None, reform_params=None, var_list=['Y', 'C', 'K', 'L', 'r', 'w'], output_type='pct_diff', stationarized=True, num_years=10, include_SS=True, include_overall=True, start_year=2025, table_format=None, path=None)[source]#
Create a table of macro aggregates.
- Parameters:
base_tpi (dictionary) – TPI output from baseline run
base_params (OG-Core Specifications class) – baseline parameters object
reform_tpi (dictionary) – TPI output from reform run
reform_params (OG-Core Specifications class) – reform parameters object
var_list (list) – names of variable to use in table
output_type (string) –
type of plot, can be: ‘pct_diff’: plots percentage difference between baselien
and reform ((reform-base)/base)
’diff’: plots difference between baseline and reform (reform-base) ‘levels’: variables in model units
stationarized (bool) – whether used stationarized variables (False only affects pct_diff right now)
num_years (integer) – number of years to include in table
include_SS (bool) – whether to include the steady-state results in the table
include_overall (bool) – whether to include results over the entire budget window as a column in the table
start_year (integer) – year to start table
table_format (string) – format to return table in: ‘csv’, ‘tex’, ‘excel’, ‘json’, if None, a DataFrame is returned
path (string) – path to save table to
- Returns:
- table in DataFrame or string format or None
if saved to disk
- Return type:
table (various)
- ogcore.output_tables.macro_table_SS(base_ss, reform_ss, var_list=['Y', 'C', 'K', 'L', 'r', 'w'], table_format=None, path=None)[source]#
Create a table of macro aggregates from the steady-state solutions.
- Parameters:
base_ss (dictionary) – SS output from baseline run
reform_ss (dictionary) – SS output from reform run
var_list (list) – names of variable to use in table
table_format (string) – format to return table in: ‘csv’, ‘tex’, ‘excel’, ‘json’, if None, a DataFrame is returned
path (string) – path to save table to
- Returns:
- table in DataFrame or string format or None
if saved to disk
- Return type:
table (various)
- ogcore.output_tables.tp_output_dump_table(base_params, base_tpi, reform_params=None, reform_tpi=None, table_format=None, path=None)[source]#
This function dumps many of the macro time series from the transition path into an output table.
- Parameters:
base_params (OG-Core Specifications class) – baseline parameters object
base_tpi (dictionary) – TP output from baseline run
reform_params (OG-Core Specifications class) – reform parameters object
reform_tpi (dictionary) – TP output from reform run
table_format (string) – format to return table in: ‘csv’, ‘tex’, ‘excel’, ‘json’, if None, a DataFrame is returned
path (string) – path to save table to
- Returns:
- table in DataFrame or string format or None
if saved to disk
- Return type:
table (various)
- ogcore.output_tables.wealth_moments_table(base_ss, base_params, data_moments=None, table_format=None, path=None)[source]#
Creates table with moments of the wealth distribution from the model and SCF data.
- Parameters:
base_ss (dictionary) – SS output from baseline run
base_params (OG-Core Specifications class) – baseline parameters object
table_format (string) – format to return table in: ‘csv’, ‘tex’, ‘excel’, ‘json’, if None, a DataFrame is returned
path (string) – path to save table to
- Returns:
- table in DataFrame or string format or None
if saved to disk
- Return type:
table (various)