Source code for ogcore.pensions

# Packages
import numpy as np
import numba
from ogcore import utils

# set constants

[docs] def replacement_rate_vals(nssmat, wss, factor_ss, j, p): r""" Calculates replacement rate values for the social security system. .. math:: \theta_{j,R,t+R} = \frac{PIA_{j,R,t+R} \times 12}{factor \times w_{t+R}} Args: nssmat (Numpy array): initial guess at labor supply, size = SxJ new_w (scalar): steady state real wage rate factor_ss (scalar): scaling factor converting model units to dollars j (int): index of lifetime income group p (OG-Core Specifications object): model parameters Returns: theta (Numpy array): social security replacement rate value for lifetime income group j """ if j is not None: e = np.squeeze(p.e[-1, :, j]) # Only computes using SS earnings else: e = np.squeeze(p.e[-1, :, :]) # Only computes using SS earnings # adjust number of calendar years AIME computed from int model periods equiv_periods = int(round((p.S / 80.0) * p.avg_earn_num_years)) - 1 if e.ndim == 2: dim2 = e.shape[1] else: dim2 = 1 earnings = (e * (wss * nssmat * factor_ss)).reshape(p.S, dim2) # get highest earning years for number of years AIME computed from highest_earn = ( -1.0 * np.sort(-1.0 * earnings[: p.retire[-1], :], axis=0) )[:equiv_periods] AIME = highest_earn.sum(0) / ((12.0 * (p.S / 80.0)) * equiv_periods) PIA = np.zeros(dim2) # Compute level of replacement using AIME brackets and PIA rates for j in range(dim2): if AIME[j] < p.AIME_bkt_1: PIA[j] = p.PIA_rate_bkt_1 * AIME[j] elif AIME[j] < p.AIME_bkt_2: PIA[j] = p.PIA_rate_bkt_1 * p.AIME_bkt_1 + p.PIA_rate_bkt_2 * ( AIME[j] - p.AIME_bkt_1 ) else: PIA[j] = ( p.PIA_rate_bkt_1 * p.AIME_bkt_1 + p.PIA_rate_bkt_2 * (p.AIME_bkt_2 - p.AIME_bkt_1) + p.PIA_rate_bkt_3 * (AIME[j] - p.AIME_bkt_2) ) # Set the maximum monthly replacement rate from SS benefits tables PIA[PIA > p.PIA_maxpayment] = p.PIA_maxpayment if p.PIA_minpayment != 0.0: PIA[PIA < p.PIA_minpayment] = p.PIA_minpayment theta = (PIA * (12.0 * p.S / 80.0)) / (factor_ss * wss) return theta
[docs] def pension_amount(r, w, n, Y, theta, t, j, shift, method, e, factor, p): """ Calculate public pension benefit amounts for each household. Args: w (array_like): real wage rate n (Numpy array): labor supply theta (Numpy array): social security replacement rate value for lifetime income group j t (int): time period j (int): index of lifetime income group shift (bool): whether computing for periods 0--s or 1--(s+1), =True for 1--(s+1) method (str): adjusts calculation dimensions based on 'SS' or 'TPI' e (Numpy array): effective labor units p (OG-Core Specifications object): model parameters Returns: pension (Numpy array): pension amount for each household """ # TODO: think about how can allow for transition from one # pension system to another along the time path if p.pension_system == "US-Style Social Security": pension = SS_amount(w, n, theta, t, j, shift, method, e, p) elif p.pension_system == "Defined Benefits": pension = DB_amount(w, e, n, j, p) elif p.pension_system == "Notional Defined Contribution": pension = NDC_amount(w, e, n, r, Y, j, p) elif p.pension_system == "Points System": pension = PS_amount(w, e, n, j, factor, p) else: raise ValueError( "pension_system must be one of the following: " "'US-Style Social Security', 'Defined Benefits', " "'Notional Defined Contribution', 'Points System'" ) return pension
[docs] def SS_amount(w, n, theta, t, j, shift, method, e, p): r""" Calculate public pension benefit amounts for each household under a US-style social security system. .. mathL:: pension_{j,s,t} = \theta_j \times w_t \quad \forall s > R Args: w (array_like): real wage rate n (Numpy array): labor supply theta (Numpy array): social security replacement rate value for lifetime income group j t (int): time period j (int): index of lifetime income group shift (bool): whether computing for periods 0--s or 1--(s+1), =True for 1--(s+1) method (str): adjusts calculation dimensions based on 'SS' or 'TPI' e (Numpy array): effective labor units p (OG-Core Specifications object): model parameters Returns: pension (Numpy array): pension amount for each household """ if j is not None: if method == "TPI": if n.ndim == 2: w = w.reshape(w.shape[0], 1) else: if method == "TPI": w = utils.to_timepath_shape(w) pension = np.zeros_like(n) if method == "SS": # Depending on if we are looking at b_s or b_s+1, the # entry for retirement will change (it shifts back one). # The shift boolean makes sure we start replacement rates # at the correct age. if shift is False: pension[p.retire[-1] :] = theta * w else: pension[p.retire[-1] - 1 :] = theta * w elif method == "TPI": length = w.shape[0] if not shift: # retireTPI is different from retire, because in TP income # we are counting backwards with different length lists. # This will always be the correct location of retirement, # depending on the shape of the lists. retireTPI = p.retire[t : t + length] - p.S else: retireTPI = p.retire[t : t + length] - 1 - p.S if len(n.shape) == 1: if not shift: retireTPI = p.retire[t] - p.S else: retireTPI = p.retire[t] - 1 - p.S pension[retireTPI:] = ( theta[j] * p.replacement_rate_adjust[t] * w[retireTPI:] ) elif len(n.shape) == 2: for tt in range(pension.shape[0]): pension[tt, retireTPI[tt] :] = ( theta * p.replacement_rate_adjust[t + tt] * w[tt] ) else: for tt in range(pension.shape[0]): pension[tt, retireTPI[tt] :, :] = ( theta.reshape(1, p.J) * p.replacement_rate_adjust[t + tt] * w[tt] ) elif method == "TPI_scalar": # The above methods won't work if scalars are used. This option # is only called by the SS_TPI_firstdoughnutring function in TPI. pension = theta * p.replacement_rate_adjust[0] * w return pension
[docs] def DB_amount(w, e, n, j, p): r""" Calculate public pension from a defined benefits system. .. math:: pension{j,s,t} = \biggl[\frac{\sum_{s=R-ny}^{R-1}w_{t}e_{j,s,t} n_{j,s,t}}{ny}\biggr]\times Cy \times \alpha_{DB} \quad \forall s > R Args: w (array_like): real wage rate e (Numpy array): effective labor units n (Numpy array): labor supply j (int): index of lifetime income group p (OG-Core Specifications object): model parameters Returns: DB (Numpy array): pension amount for each household """ L_inc_avg = np.zeros(0) # Adjustment to turn years into model periods # TODO: could add this to at some point equiv_periods = int(round((p.S / 80.0) * p.avg_earn_num_years)) - 1 equiv_yr_contrib = int(round((p.S / 80.0) * p.yr_contrib)) - 1 L_inc_avg_s = np.zeros(equiv_periods) if n.shape[0] < p.S: per_rmn = n.shape[0] # TODO: think about how to handle setting w_preTP and n_preTP # TODO: will need to update how the e matrix is handled here # and else where to allow for it to be time varying w_S = np.append((p.w_preTP * np.ones(p.S))[:(-per_rmn)], w) n_S = np.append(p.n_preTP[:(-per_rmn), j], n) DB = np.zeros(p.S) DB = DB_1dim_loop( w_S, p.e[:, j], n_S, p.retire, p.S, p.g_y, L_inc_avg_s, L_inc_avg, DB, equiv_periods, p.alpha_db, equiv_yr_contrib, ) DB = DB[-per_rmn:] else: if np.ndim(n) == 1: DB = np.zeros(p.S) DB = DB_1dim_loop( w, e, n, p.retire, p.S, p.g_y, L_inc_avg_s, L_inc_avg, DB, equiv_periods, p.alpha_db, equiv_yr_contrib, ) elif np.ndim(n) == 2: DB = np.zeros((p.S, p.J)) L_inc_avg_sj = np.zeros((equiv_periods, p.J)) DB = DB_2dim_loop( w, e, n, p.retire, p.S, p.g_y, L_inc_avg_sj, L_inc_avg, DB, equiv_periods, p.alpha_db, equiv_yr_contrib, ) return DB
[docs] def NDC_amount(w, e, n, r, Y, j, p): r""" Calculate public pension from a notional defined contribution system. .. math:: pension{j,s,t} = \biggl[\sum_{s=E}^{R-1}\tau^{p}_{t}w_{t} e_{j,s,t}n_{j,s,t}(1 + g_{NDC,t})^{R-s-1}\biggr]\delta_{R, t} \quad \forall s > R Args: w (array_like): real wage rate e (Numpy array): effective labor units n (Numpy array): labor supply r (array_like): interest rate Y (array_like): GDP j (int): index of lifetime income group p (OG-Core Specifications object): model parameters Returns: NDC (Numpy array): pension amount for each household """ g_ndc_amount = g_ndc(r, Y, p) delta_ret_amount = delta_ret(r, Y, p) if n.shape[0] < p.S: per_rmn = n.shape[0] w_S = np.append((p.w_preTP * np.ones(p.S))[:(-per_rmn)], w) n_S = np.append(p.n_preTP[:(-per_rmn), j], n) NDC_s = np.zeros(p.retire) NDC = np.zeros(p.S) NDC = NDC_1dim_loop( w_S, p.e[:, j], n_S, p.retire, p.S, p.g_y, p.tau_p, g_ndc_amount, delta_ret_amount, NDC_s, NDC, ) NDC = NDC[-per_rmn:] else: if np.ndim(n) == 1: NDC_s = np.zeros(p.retire) NDC = np.zeros(p.S) NDC = NDC_1dim_loop( w, e, n, p.retire, p.S, p.g_y, p.tau_p, g_ndc_amount, delta_ret_amount, NDC_s, NDC, ) elif np.ndim(n) == 2: NDC_sj = np.zeros((p.retire, p.J)) NDC = np.zeros((p.S, p.J)) NDC = NDC_2dim_loop( w, e, n, p.retire, p.S, p.g_y, p.tau_p, g_ndc_amount, delta_ret_amount, NDC_sj, NDC, ) return NDC
[docs] def PS_amount(w, e, n, j, factor, p): r""" Calculate public pension from a points system. .. math:: pension{j,s,t} = \sum_{s=E}^{R-1}w_{t}e_{j,s,t}n_{j,s,t}\times v_{t} \quad \forall s > R Args: w (array_like): real wage rate e (Numpy array): effective labor units n (Numpy array): labor supply j (int): index of lifetime income group factor (scalar): scaling factor converting model units to dollars p (OG-Core Specifications object): model parameters Returns: PS (Numpy array): pension amount for each household """ if n.shape[0] < p.S: per_rmn = n.shape[0] w_S = np.append((p.w_preTP * np.ones(p.S))[:(-per_rmn)], w) n_S = np.append(p.n_preTP[:(-per_rmn), j], n) L_inc_avg_s = np.zeros(p.retire) PS = np.zeros(p.S) PS = PS_1dim_loop( w_S, p.e[:, j], n_S, p.retire, p.S, p.g_y, p.vpoint, factor, L_inc_avg_s, PS, ) PS = PS[-per_rmn:] else: if np.ndim(n) == 1: L_inc_avg_s = np.zeros(p.retire) PS = np.zeros(p.S) PS = PS_1dim_loop( w, e, n, p.retire, p.S, p.g_y, p.vpoint, factor, L_inc_avg_s, PS, ) elif np.ndim(n) == 2: L_inc_avg_sj = np.zeros((p.retire, p.J)) PS = np.zeros((p.S, p.J)) PS = PS_2dim_loop( w, e, n, p.retire, p.S, p.J, p.g_y, p.vpoint, factor, L_inc_avg_sj, PS, ) return PS
[docs] def deriv_theta(r, w, e, Y, per_rmn, factor, p): """ Change in pension benefits for another unit of labor supply for pension system selected Args: r (array_like): interest rate w (array_like): real wage rate e (Numpy array): effective labor units Y (array_like): GDP per_rmn (int): number of periods remaining in the model factor (scalar): scaling factor converting model units to Returns: d_theta (Numpy array): change in pension benefits for another unit of labor supply """ # TODO: Add SS here... if p.pension_system == "Defined Benefits": d_theta = deriv_DB(w, e, per_rmn, p) d_theta = d_theta[-per_rmn:] elif p.pension_system == "Notional Defined Contribution": d_theta = deriv_NDC(r, w, e, Y, per_rmn, p) elif p.pension_system == "Points System": d_theta = deriv_PS(w, e, per_rmn, factor, p) else: raise ValueError( "pension_system must be one of the following: " "'US-style Social Security', 'Defined Benefits', " "'Notional Defined Contribution', 'Points System'" ) return d_theta
[docs] def deriv_NDC(r, w, e, Y, per_rmn, p): r""" Change in NDC pension benefits for another unit of labor supply .. math:: \frac{\partial \theta_{j,u,t+u-s}}{\partial n_{j,s,t}} = \begin{cases} \tau^{p}_{t}w_{t}e_{j,s}(1+g_{NDC,t})^{u - s}\delta_{R,t}, & \text{if}\ s<R-1 \\ 0, & \text{if}\ s \geq R \\ \end{cases} Args: r (array_like): interest rate w (array_like): real wage rate e (Numpy array): effective labor units Y (array_like): GDP per_rmn (int): number of periods remaining in the model p (OG-Core Specifications object): model parameters Returns: d_theta (Numpy array): change in NDC pension benefits for another unit of labor supply """ if per_rmn == 1: d_theta = 0 elif per_rmn < (p.S - p.retire + 1): d_theta = np.zeros(per_rmn) else: d_theta_empty = np.zeros(per_rmn) delta_ret_amount = delta_ret(r, Y, p) g_ndc_amount = g_ndc(r, Y, p) d_theta = deriv_NDC_loop( w, e, per_rmn, p.S, p.retire, p.tau_p, g_ndc_amount, delta_ret_amount, d_theta_empty, ) return d_theta
[docs] def deriv_DB(w, e, per_rmn, p): r""" Change in DB pension benefits for another unit of labor supply .. math:: \frac{\partial \theta_{j,u,t+u-s}}{\partial n_{j,s,t}} = \begin{cases} 0 , & \text{if}\ s < R - Cy \\ w_{t}e_{j,s}\alpha_{DB}\times \frac{Cy}{ny}, & \text{if}\ R - Cy <= s < R \\ 0, & \text{if}\ s \geq R \\ \end{cases} Args: w (array_like): real wage rate e (Numpy array): effective labor units per_rmn (int): number of periods remaining in the model p (OG-Core Specifications object): model parameters Returns: d_theta: change in DB pension benefits for another unit of labor supply """ equiv_periods = int(round((p.S / 80.0) * p.avg_earn_num_years)) - 1 equiv_yr_contrib = int(round((p.S / 80.0) * p.yr_contrib)) - 1 if per_rmn < (p.S - p.retire + 1): d_theta = np.zeros(p.S) else: d_theta = deriv_DB_loop( w, e, p.S, p.retire, per_rmn, equiv_periods, p.alpha_db, equiv_yr_contrib, ) return d_theta
[docs] def deriv_PS(w, e, per_rmn, factor, p): r""" Change in points system pension benefits for another unit of labor supply .. math:: \frac{\partial \theta_{j,u,t+u-s}}{\partial n_{j,s,t}} = \begin{cases} 0 , & \text{if}\ s < R \\ w_{t}e_{j,s}v_{t}, & \text{if}\ s \geq R \\ \end{cases} Args: w (array_like): real wage rate e (Numpy array): effective labor units per_rmn (int): number of periods remaining in the model factor (scalar): scaling factor converting model units to p (OG-Core Specifications object): model parameters Returns: d_theta (Numpy array): change in points system pension benefits for another unit of labor supply """ if per_rmn < (p.S - p.retire + 1): d_theta = np.zeros(p.S) else: d_theta_empty = np.zeros(p.S) d_theta = deriv_PS_loop( w, e, p.S, p.retire, per_rmn, d_theta_empty, p.vpoint, factor ) d_theta = d_theta[-per_rmn:] return d_theta
# TODO: can probably assign these growth rates in the if statements in # the pension_amount function # TODO: create a parameter for pension growth rates -- a single param should do
[docs] def delta_point(r, Y, g_n, g_y, p): r""" Compute growth rate used for contributions to points system pension Args: r (array_like): interest rate Y (array_like): GDP g_n (array_like): population growth rate g_y (array_like): GDP growth rate p (OG-Core Specifications object): model parameters Returns: delta_point (Numpy array): growth rate used for contributions to points """ # TODO: Add option to allow use to enter growth rate amount # Also to allow rate to vary by year # Do this for all these growth rates for each system # Might also allow for option to grow at per capital GDP growth rate if p.points_growth_rate == "r": delta_point = r elif p.points_growth_rate == "Curr GDP": delta_point = (Y[1:] - Y[:-1]) / Y[:-1] elif p.points_growth_rate == "LR GDP": delta_point = g_y + g_n else: delta_point = g_y + g_n return delta_point
[docs] def g_ndc(r, Y, p): """ Compute growth rate used for contributions to NDC pension Args: r (array_like): interest rate Y (array_like): GDP p (OG-Core Specifications object): model parameters Returns: g_ndc (Numpy array): growth rate used for contributions to NDC """ if p.ndc_growth_rate == "r": g_ndc = r[-1] elif p.ndc_growth_rate == "Curr GDP": g_ndc = (Y[1:] - Y[:-1]) / Y[:-1] elif p.ndc_growth_rate == "LR GDP": g_ndc = p.g_y[-1] + p.g_n[-1] else: g_ndc = p.g_y[-1] + p.g_n[-1] return g_ndc
[docs] def g_dir(r, Y, g_y, g_n, dir_growth_rate): """ Compute growth rate used for contributions to NDC pension Args: r (array_like): interest rate Y (array_like): GDP g_y (array_like): GDP growth rate g_n (array_like): population growth rate dir_growth_rate (str): growth rate used for contributions to NDC Returns: g_dir (Numpy array): growth rate used for contributions to NDC """ if dir_growth_rate == "r": g_dir = r[-1] elif dir_growth_rate == "Curr GDP": g_dir = (Y[1:] - Y[:-1]) / Y[:-1] elif dir_growth_rate == "LR GDP": g_dir = g_y[-1] + g_n[-1] else: g_dir = g_y[-1] + g_n[-1] return g_dir
[docs] def delta_ret(r, Y, p): r""" Compute conversion coefficient for the NDC pension amount .. math:: \delta_{R} = (dir_{R} + ind_{R} - k)^{-1} Args: r (array_like): interest rate Y (array_like): GDP p (OG-Core Specifications object): model parameters Returns: delta_ret (Numpy array): conversion coefficient for the NDC pension amount """ surv_rates = 1 - p.mort_rates_SS dir_delta_s_empty = np.zeros(p.S - p.retire + 1) g_dir_value = g_dir(r, Y, p.g_y, p.g_n, p.dir_growth_rate) dir_delta = delta_ret_loop( p.S, p.retire, surv_rates, g_dir_value, dir_delta_s_empty ) delta_ret = 1 / (dir_delta + p.indR - p.k_ret) return delta_ret
[docs] @numba.jit(nopython=True) def deriv_DB_loop( w, e, S, S_ret, per_rmn, avg_earn_num_years, alpha_db, yr_contr ): """ Change in DB pension benefits for another unit of labor supply Args: w (array_like): real wage rate e (Numpy array): effective labor units S (int): number of periods in the model S_ret (int): retirement age per_rmn (int): number of periods remaining in the model avg_earn_num_years (int): number of years AIME is computed from alpha_db (scalar): replacement rate yr_contr (scalar): years of contribution Returns: d_theta (Numpy array): change in DB pension benefits for another unit of labor supply """ d_theta = np.zeros(per_rmn) print("Year contribution: ", yr_contr) print("Average earnings years: ", avg_earn_num_years) num_per_retire = S - S_ret for s in range(per_rmn): d_theta[s] = w[s] * e[s] * alpha_db * (yr_contr / avg_earn_num_years) d_theta[-num_per_retire:] = 0.0 return d_theta
[docs] @numba.jit(nopython=True) def deriv_PS_loop(w, e, S, S_ret, per_rmn, d_theta, vpoint, factor): """ Change in points system pension benefits for another unit of labor supply Args: w (array_like): real wage rate e (Numpy array): effective labor units S (int): number of periods in the model S_ret (int): retirement age per_rmn (int): number of periods remaining in the model d_theta (Numpy array): change in points system pension benefits for another unit of labor supply vpoint (scalar): value of points factor (scalar): scaling factor converting model units to local currency Returns: d_theta (Numpy array): change in points system pension benefits for another unit of labor supply """ # TODO: do we need these constants or can we scale vpoint to annual?? for s in range((S - per_rmn), S_ret): d_theta[s] = (w[s] * e[s] * vpoint * MONTHS_IN_A_YEAR) / ( factor * THOUSAND ) return d_theta
[docs] @numba.jit(nopython=True) def deriv_NDC_loop( w, e, per_rmn, S, S_ret, tau_p, g_ndc_value, delta_ret_value, d_theta ): """ Change in NDC pension benefits for another unit of labor supply Args: w (array_like): real wage rate e (Numpy array): effective labor units per_rmn (int): number of periods remaining in the model S (int): number of periods in the model S_ret (int): retirement age tau_p (scalar): tax rate g_ndc_value (scalar): growth rate of NDC pension delta_ret_value (scalar): conversion coefficient for the NDC pension amount d_theta (Numpy array): change in NDC pension benefits for another unit of labor supply Returns: d_theta (Numpy array): change in NDC pension benefits for another unit of labor supply """ for s in range((S - per_rmn), S_ret): d_theta[s - (S - per_rmn)] = ( tau_p * w[s - (S - per_rmn)] * e[s - (S - per_rmn)] * delta_ret_value * (1 + g_ndc_value) ** (S_ret - s - 1) ) return d_theta
[docs] @numba.jit(nopython=True) def delta_ret_loop(S, S_ret, surv_rates, g_dir_value, dir_delta_s): """ Compute conversion coefficient for the NDC pension amount Args: S (int): number of periods in the model S_ret (int): retirement age surv_rates (Numpy array): survival rates g_dir_value (scalar): growth rate of NDC pension dir_delta_s (Numpy array): conversion coefficient for the NDC pension amount Returns: dir_delta (scalar): conversion coefficient for the NDC pension amount """ cumul_surv_rates = np.ones(S - S_ret + 1) for s in range(S - S_ret + 1): surv_rates_vec = surv_rates[S_ret : S_ret + s + 1] surv_rates_vec[0] = 1.0 cumul_surv_rates[s] = cumul_g_y = np.ones(S - S_ret + 1) cumul_g_y[s] = (1 / (1 + g_dir_value)) ** s dir_delta_s[s] = cumul_surv_rates[s] * cumul_g_y[s] dir_delta = dir_delta_s.sum() return dir_delta
[docs] @numba.jit(nopython=True) def PS_1dim_loop(w, e, n, S_ret, S, g_y, vpoint, factor, L_inc_avg_s, PS): """ Calculate public pension from a points system. Args: w (array_like): real wage rate e (Numpy array): effective labor units n (Numpy array): labor supply S_ret (int): retirement age S (int): number of periods in the model g_y (array_like): GDP growth rate vpoint (scalar): value of points factor (scalar): scaling factor converting model units to local currency L_inc_avg_s (Numpy array): average labor income PS (Numpy array): pension amount for each household Returns: PS (Numpy array): pension amount for each household """ # TODO: do we need these constants or can we scale vpoint to annual?? for u in range(S_ret, S): # TODO: allow for g_y to be time varying for s in range(S_ret): L_inc_avg_s[s] = w[s] / np.exp(g_y[-1] * (u - s)) * e[s] * n[s] PS[u] = (MONTHS_IN_A_YEAR * vpoint * L_inc_avg_s.sum()) / ( factor * THOUSAND ) return PS
[docs] @numba.jit(nopython=True) def PS_2dim_loop(w, e, n, S_ret, S, J, g_y, vpoint, factor, L_inc_avg_sj, PS): """ Calculate public pension from a points system. Args: w (array_like): real wage rate e (Numpy array): effective labor units n (Numpy array): labor supply S_ret (int): retirement age S (int): number of periods in the model J (int): number of lifetime income groups g_y (array_like): GDP growth rate vpoint (scalar): value of points factor (scalar): scaling factor converting model units to local currency L_inc_avg_sj (Numpy array): average labor income PS (Numpy array): pension amount for each household Returns: PS (Numpy array): pension amount for each household """ # TODO: do we need these constants or can we scale vpoint to annual?? for u in range(S_ret, S): for s in range(S_ret): L_inc_avg_sj[s, :] = ( w[s] / np.exp(g_y * (u - s)) * e[s, :] * n[s, :] ) PS[u, :] = (MONTHS_IN_A_YEAR * vpoint * L_inc_avg_sj.sum(axis=0)) / ( factor * THOUSAND ) return PS
[docs] @numba.jit(nopython=True) def DB_1dim_loop( w, e, n, S_ret, S, g_y, L_inc_avg_s, L_inc_avg, DB, avg_earn_num_years, alpha_db, yr_contr, ): """ Calculate public pension from a defined benefits system. Args: w (array_like): real wage rate e (Numpy array): effective labor units n (Numpy array): labor supply S_ret (int): retirement age S (int): number of periods in the model g_y (array_like): GDP growth rate L_inc_avg_s (Numpy array): average labor income L_inc_avg (scalar): average labor income DB (Numpy array): pension amount for each household avg_earn_num_years (int): number of years AIME is computed from alpha_db (scalar): replacement rate yr_contr (scalar): years of contribution Returns: DB (Numpy array): pension amount for each household """ for u in range(S_ret, S): for s in range(S_ret - avg_earn_num_years, S_ret): # TODO: pass t so that can pull correct g_y value # Just need to make if doing over time path makes sense # or if should just do SS L_inc_avg_s[s - (S_ret - avg_earn_num_years)] = ( w[s] / np.exp(g_y[-1] * (u - s)) * e[s] * n[s] ) L_inc_avg = L_inc_avg_s.sum() / avg_earn_num_years rep_rate = yr_contr * alpha_db DB[u] = rep_rate * L_inc_avg return DB
[docs] @numba.jit(nopython=True) def DB_2dim_loop( w, e, n, S_ret, S, g_y, L_inc_avg_sj, L_inc_avg, DB, avg_earn_num_years, alpha_db, yr_contr, ): """ Calculate public pension from a defined benefits system. Args: w (array_like): real wage rate e (Numpy array): effective labor units n (Numpy array): labor supply S_ret (int): retirement age S (int): number of periods in the model g_y (array_like): GDP growth rate L_inc_avg_sj (Numpy array): average labor income L_inc_avg (scalar): average labor income DB (Numpy array): pension amount for each household avg_earn_num_years (int): number of years AIME is computed from alpha_db (scalar): replacement rate yr_contr (scalar): years of contribution Returns: DB (Numpy array): pension amount for each household """ for u in range(S_ret, S): for s in range(S_ret - avg_earn_num_years, S_ret): L_inc_avg_sj[s - (S_ret - avg_earn_num_years), :] = ( w[s] / np.exp(g_y * (u - s)) * e[s, :] * n[s, :] ) L_inc_avg = L_inc_avg_sj.sum(axis=0) / avg_earn_num_years rep_rate = yr_contr * alpha_db DB[u, :] = rep_rate * L_inc_avg return DB
[docs] @numba.jit(nopython=True) def NDC_1dim_loop(w, e, n, S_ret, S, g_y, tau_p, g_ndc, delta_ret, NDC_s, NDC): """ Calculate public pension from a notional defined contribution Args: w (array_like): real wage rate e (Numpy array): effective labor units n (Numpy array): labor supply S_ret (int): retirement age S (int): number of periods in the model g_y (array_like): GDP growth rate tau_p (scalar): tax rate g_ndc (scalar): growth rate of NDC pension delta_ret (scalar): conversion coefficient for the NDC pension amount NDC_s (Numpy array): average labor income NDC (Numpy array): pension amount for each household Returns: NDC (Numpy array): pension amount for each household """ for u in range(S_ret, S): for s in range(0, S_ret): # TODO: update so can take g_y from period t NDC_s[s] = ( tau_p * (w[s] / np.exp(g_y[-1] * (u - s))) * e[s] * n[s] * ((1 + g_ndc) ** (S_ret - s - 1)) ) NDC[u] = delta_ret * NDC_s.sum() return NDC
[docs] @numba.jit(nopython=True) def NDC_2dim_loop( w, e, n, S_ret, S, g_y, tau_p, g_ndc, delta_ret, NDC_sj, NDC ): """ Calculate public pension from a notional defined contribution Args: w (array_like): real wage rate e (Numpy array): effective labor units n (Numpy array): labor supply S_ret (int): retirement age S (int): number of periods in the model g_y (array_like): GDP growth rate tau_p (scalar): tax rate g_ndc (scalar): growth rate of NDC pension delta_ret (scalar): conversion coefficient for the NDC pension amount NDC_sj (Numpy array): average labor income NDC (Numpy array): pension amount for each household Returns: NDC (Numpy array): pension amount for each household """ for u in range(S_ret, S): for s in range(0, S_ret): NDC_sj[s, :] = ( tau_p * (w[s] / np.exp(g_y * (u - s))) * e[s, :] * n[s, :] * ((1 + g_ndc) ** (S_ret - s - 1)) ) NDC[u, :] = delta_ret * NDC_sj.sum(axis=0) return NDC