Source code for ogcore.parameter_tables

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from ogcore.utils import save_return_table
from ogcore.constants import VAR_LABELS, PARAM_LABELS, DEFAULT_START_YEAR

[docs] def tax_rate_table( base_TxFuncEst, base_params, reform_TxFuncEst=None, reform_params=None, rate_type="ETR", start_year=DEFAULT_START_YEAR, num_years=10, table_format="tex", path=None, ): """ Table of average tax rates over several years. Args: base_TxFuncEst(dictionary): Baseline tax function parameter estimates base_params (OG-Core Specifications class): baseline parameters object reform_TxFuncEst (dictionary): Reform tax function parameter estimates reform_params (OG-Core Specifications class): reform parameters object rate_type (string): Tax rate to include in table start_year (integer): year to start table num_years (integer): number of years to include in table table_format (string): format to save/return table as path (string): path to save table to Returns: table_str (string or DataFrame): table of tax rates """ assert isinstance(start_year, (int, np.integer)) assert isinstance(num_years, (int, np.integer)) # Make sure both runs cover same time period if reform_TxFuncEst is not None: assert base_params.start_year == reform_params.start_year start_index = start_year - base_params.start_year years = list(np.arange(start_year, start_year + num_years, 1)) if reform_TxFuncEst is None: if rate_type == "ETR": rates = base_TxFuncEst["tfunc_avg_etr"] * 100 elif rate_type == "MTRx": rates = base_TxFuncEst["tfunc_avg_mtrx"] * 100 elif rate_type == "MTRy": rates = base_TxFuncEst["tfunc_avg_mtry"] * 100 elif rate_type == "all": etr_rates = base_TxFuncEst["tfunc_avg_etr"] * 100 mtrx_rates = base_TxFuncEst["tfunc_avg_mtrx"] * 100 mtry_rates = base_TxFuncEst["tfunc_avg_mtry"] * 100 else: raise ValueError( "Value {!r} is not a valid rate_type".format(rate_type) ) if rate_type == "all": # In case num_years is greater than number of years # tax function estimates are for len_rates = len(etr_rates[start_index : start_index + num_years]) table = { "Year": years[:len_rates], VAR_LABELS["ETR"]: etr_rates[ start_index : start_index + num_years ], VAR_LABELS["MTRx"]: mtrx_rates[ start_index : start_index + num_years ], VAR_LABELS["MTRy"]: mtry_rates[ start_index : start_index + num_years ], } else: len_rates = len(rates[start_index : start_index + num_years]) table = { "Year": years[:len_rates], VAR_LABELS[rate_type]: rates[ start_index : start_index + num_years ], } else: if rate_type == "ETR": base_rates = base_TxFuncEst["tfunc_avg_etr"] * 100 reform_rates = reform_TxFuncEst["tfunc_avg_etr"] * 100 elif rate_type == "MTRx": base_rates = base_TxFuncEst["tfunc_avg_mtrx"] * 100 reform_rates = reform_TxFuncEst["tfunc_avg_mtrx"] * 100 elif rate_type == "MTRy": base_rates = base_TxFuncEst["tfunc_avg_mtrx"] * 100 reform_rates = reform_TxFuncEst["tfunc_avg_mtrx"] * 100 elif rate_type == "all": base_etr_rates = base_TxFuncEst["tfunc_avg_etr"] * 100 base_mtrx_rates = base_TxFuncEst["tfunc_avg_mtrx"] * 100 base_mtry_rates = base_TxFuncEst["tfunc_avg_mtry"] * 100 reform_etr_rates = reform_TxFuncEst["tfunc_avg_etr"] * 100 reform_mtrx_rates = reform_TxFuncEst["tfunc_avg_mtrx"] * 100 reform_mtry_rates = reform_TxFuncEst["tfunc_avg_mtry"] * 100 else: raise ValueError( "Value {!r} is not a valid rate_type".format(rate_type) ) if rate_type == "all": len_rates = len(base_etr_rates[start_index : start_index + num_years]) table = { "Year": years[:len_rates], "Baseline " + VAR_LABELS["ETR"]: base_etr_rates[ start_index : start_index + num_years ], "Reform " + VAR_LABELS["ETR"]: reform_etr_rates[ start_index : start_index + num_years ], "Differences in " + VAR_LABELS["ETR"]: reform_etr_rates[ start_index : start_index + num_years ] - base_etr_rates[start_index : start_index + num_years], "Baseline " + VAR_LABELS["MTRx"]: base_mtrx_rates[ start_index : start_index + num_years ], "Reform " + VAR_LABELS["MTRx"]: reform_mtrx_rates[ start_index : start_index + num_years ], "Differences in " + VAR_LABELS["MTRx"]: reform_mtrx_rates[ start_index : start_index + num_years ] - base_mtrx_rates[start_index : start_index + num_years], "Baseline " + VAR_LABELS["MTRy"]: base_mtry_rates[ start_index : start_index + num_years ], "Reform " + VAR_LABELS["MTRy"]: reform_mtry_rates[ start_index : start_index + num_years ], "Differences in " + VAR_LABELS["MTRy"]: reform_mtry_rates[ start_index : start_index + num_years ] - base_mtry_rates[start_index : start_index + num_years], } else: len_rates = len(base_rates[start_index : start_index + num_years]) table = { "Year": years[:len_rates], "Baseline " + VAR_LABELS[rate_type]: base_rates[ start_index : start_index + num_years ], "Reform " + VAR_LABELS[rate_type]: reform_rates[ start_index : start_index + num_years ], "Difference": reform_rates[start_index : start_index + num_years] - base_rates[start_index : start_index + num_years], } table_df = (pd.DataFrame.from_dict(table, orient="columns")).transpose() table_df.columns = table_df.iloc[0].astype("int").astype("str") table_df.reindex(table_df.index.drop("Year")) table_df.drop("Year", inplace=True) table_df.reset_index(inplace=True) table_df.rename(columns={"index": "Variable"}, inplace=True) table_str = save_return_table(table_df, table_format, path, precision=2) return table_str
[docs] def param_table(p, table_format="tex", path=None): """ This function creates a table of model parameters for publication. Args: p (OG-Core Specifications class): baseline parameters object) table_format (string): format to save/return table as path (string): path to save table to Returns: table (string or DataFrame): table of tax rates """ table = {"Symbol": [], "Description": [], "Value": []} for k, v in PARAM_LABELS.items(): table["Symbol"].append(v[1]) table["Description"].append(v[0]) value = getattr(p, k) if hasattr(value, "__len__") & ~isinstance(value, str): if value.ndim > 1: report = ( "Too large to report here, see default parameters JSON" ) else: report = ( "[" + "{0:1.3f}".format(value[0]) + "..." + "{0:1.3f}".format(value[-1]) + "]" ) else: if isinstance(value, int) or isinstance(value, np.int64): report = str(value) elif isinstance(value, str): report = value else: if value < 0.0001: report = "{:.2E}".format(value) else: report = "{0:1.3f}".format(value) table["Value"].append(report) table_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(table) table_str = save_return_table(table_df, table_format, path, precision=3) return table_str