Source code for ogcore.firm

import numpy as np
from ogcore import aggregates as aggr

Firm functions for firms in the steady state and along the transition


[docs] def get_Y(K, K_g, L, p, method, m=-1): r""" Generates aggregate output (GDP) from aggregate capital stock, aggregate labor, and CES production function parameters. .. math:: \hat{Y}_t &= F(\hat{K}_t, \hat{K}_{g,t}, \hat{L}_t) \\ &\equiv Z_t\biggl[(\gamma)^\frac{1}{\varepsilon}(\hat{K}_t)^\frac{\varepsilon-1}{\varepsilon} + (\gamma_{g})^\frac{1}{\varepsilon}(\hat{K}_{g,t})^\frac{\varepsilon-1}{\varepsilon} + (1-\gamma-\gamma_{g})^\frac{1}{\varepsilon}(\hat{L}_t)^\frac{\varepsilon-1}{\varepsilon}\biggr]^\frac{\varepsilon}{\varepsilon-1} \quad\forall t Args: K (array_like): aggregate private capital K_g (array_like): aggregate government capital L (array_like): aggregate labor p (OG-Core Specifications object): model parameters method (str): adjusts calculation dimensions based on 'SS' or 'TPI' m (int or None): industry index Returns: Y (array_like): aggregate output """ if method == "SS": if m is not None: # Set gamma_g to 0 when K_g=0 and eps=1 to remove K_g from prod func if K_g == 0 and p.epsilon[m] <= 1: gamma_g = 0 K_g = 1 else: gamma_g = p.gamma_g[m] gamma = p.gamma[m] epsilon = p.epsilon[m] Z = p.Z[-1, m] if epsilon == 1: Y = ( Z * (K**gamma) * (K_g**gamma_g) * (L ** (1 - gamma - gamma_g)) ) else: Y = Z * ( ( (gamma ** (1 / epsilon)) * (K ** ((epsilon - 1) / epsilon)) ) + ( (gamma_g ** (1 / epsilon)) * (K_g ** ((epsilon - 1) / epsilon)) ) + ( ((1 - gamma - gamma_g) ** (1 / epsilon)) * (L ** ((epsilon - 1) / epsilon)) ) ) ** (epsilon / (epsilon - 1)) else: # Set gamma_g to 0 when K_g=0 and eps=1 to remove K_g from prod func if K_g == 0 and np.any(p.epsilon) <= 1: gamma_g = p.gamma_g gamma_g[p.epsilon <= 1] = 0 K_g = 1.0 else: gamma_g = p.gamma_g gamma = p.gamma epsilon = p.epsilon Z = p.Z[-1, :] Y = Z * ( ((gamma ** (1 / epsilon)) * (K ** ((epsilon - 1) / epsilon))) + ( (gamma_g ** (1 / epsilon)) * (K_g ** ((epsilon - 1) / epsilon)) ) + ( ((1 - gamma - gamma_g) ** (1 / epsilon)) * (L ** ((epsilon - 1) / epsilon)) ) ) ** (epsilon / (epsilon - 1)) Y2 = Z * (K**gamma) * (K_g**gamma_g) * (L ** (1 - gamma - gamma_g)) Y[epsilon == 1] = Y2[epsilon == 1] else: # TPI case if m is not None: # Set gamma_g to 0 when K_g=0 and eps=1 to remove K_g from prod func if np.any(K_g == 0) and p.epsilon[m] == 1: gamma_g = 0 K_g[K_g == 0] = 1.0 else: gamma_g = p.gamma_g[m] gamma = p.gamma[m] epsilon = p.epsilon[m] Z = p.Z[: p.T, m] if epsilon == 1: Y = ( Z * (K**gamma) * (K_g**gamma_g) * (L ** (1 - gamma - gamma_g)) ) else: Y = Z * ( ( (gamma ** (1 / epsilon)) * (K ** ((epsilon - 1) / epsilon)) ) + ( (gamma_g ** (1 / epsilon)) * (K_g ** ((epsilon - 1) / epsilon)) ) + ( ((1 - gamma - gamma_g) ** (1 / epsilon)) * (L ** ((epsilon - 1) / epsilon)) ) ) ** (epsilon / (epsilon - 1)) else: # Set gamma_g to 0 when K_g=0 and eps=1 to remove K_g from prod func if np.any(K_g == 0) and np.any(p.epsilon) == 1: gamma_g = p.gamma_g K_g[K_g == 0] = 1.0 else: gamma_g = p.gamma_g gamma = p.gamma epsilon = p.epsilon Z = p.Z[: p.T, :] Y = Z * ( ((gamma ** (1 / epsilon)) * (K ** ((epsilon - 1) / epsilon))) + ( (gamma_g ** (1 / epsilon)) * (K_g ** ((epsilon - 1) / epsilon)) ) + ( ((1 - gamma - gamma_g) ** (1 / epsilon)) * (L ** ((epsilon - 1) / epsilon)) ) ) ** (epsilon / (epsilon - 1)) Y2 = Z * (K**gamma) * (K_g**gamma_g) * (L ** (1 - gamma - gamma_g)) Y[:, epsilon == 1] = Y2[:, epsilon == 1] return Y
[docs] def get_r(Y, K, p_m, p, method, m=-1): r""" This function computes the interest rate as a function of Y, K, and parameters using the firm's first order condition for capital demand. .. math:: r_{t} = (1 - \tau^{corp}_t)Z_t^\frac{\varepsilon-1}{\varepsilon} \left[\gamma\frac{Y_t}{K_t}\right]^\frac{1}{\varepsilon} - \delta + \tau^{corp}_t\delta^\tau_t + \tau^{inv}_{m,t} Args: Y (array_like): aggregate output K (array_like): aggregate capital p_m (array_like): output prices p (OG-Core Specifications object): model parameters method (str): adjusts calculation dimensions based on 'SS' or 'TPI' m (int): index of the production industry Returns: r (array_like): the real interest rate """ if method == "SS": delta_tau = p.delta_tau[-1, m] tau_b = p.tau_b[-1, m] tau_inv = p.inv_tax_credit[-1, m] p_mm = p_m[m] else: delta_tau = p.delta_tau[: p.T, m].reshape(p.T, 1) tau_b = p.tau_b[: p.T, m].reshape(p.T, 1) tau_inv = p.inv_tax_credit[: p.T, m].reshape(p.T, 1) p_mm = p_m[:, m].reshape(p.T, 1) MPK = get_MPx(Y, K, p.gamma[m], p, method, m) r = ( (1 - tau_b) * p_mm * MPK - + tau_b * delta_tau + tau_inv * ) return r
[docs] def get_w(Y, L, p_m, p, method, m=-1): r""" This function computes the wage as a function of Y, L, and parameters using the firm's first order condition for labor demand. .. math:: w_t = Z_t^\frac{\varepsilon-1}{\varepsilon}\left[(1-\gamma-\gamma_g) \frac{\hat{Y}_t}{\hat{L}_t}\right]^\frac{1}{\varepsilon} Args: Y (array_like): aggregate output L (array_like): aggregate labor p_m (array_like): output prices p (OG-Core Specifications object): model parameters method (str): adjusts calculation dimensions based on 'SS' or 'TPI' m (int): index of the production industry Returns: w (array_like): the real wage rate """ if method == "SS": p_mm = p_m[m] else: p_mm = p_m[:, m].reshape(p.T, 1) w = p_mm * get_MPx(Y, L, 1 - p.gamma[m] - p.gamma_g[m], p, method, m) return w
def get_KLratio_KLonly(r, p, method, m=-1): r""" This function solves for the capital-labor ratio given the interest rate, r, and parameters when the production function is only a function of K and L. This is used in the get_w_from_r function. .. math:: \frac{K}{L} = \left(\frac{(1-\gamma)^\frac{1}{\varepsilon}} {\left[\frac{r_t + \delta - \tau_t^{corp}\delta_t^\tau} {(1 - \tau_t^{corp})\gamma^\frac{1} {\varepsilon}Z_t}\right]^{\varepsilon-1} - \gamma^\frac{1}{\varepsilon}}\right)^\frac{\varepsilon}{\varepsilon-1} Args: r (array_like): the real interest rate p (OG-Core Specifications object): model parameters method (str): adjusts calculation dimensions based on 'SS' or 'TPI' m (int): production industry index Returns: KLratio (array_like): the capital-labor ratio """ if method == "SS": Z = p.Z[-1, m] else: length = r.shape[0] Z = p.Z[:length, m] gamma = p.gamma[m] epsilon = p.epsilon[m] if epsilon == 1: # Cobb-Douglas case cost_of_capital = get_cost_of_capital(r, p, method, m) KLratio = ((gamma * Z) / cost_of_capital) ** (1 / (1 - gamma)) else: # General CES case cost_of_capital = get_cost_of_capital(r, p, method, m) bracket = cost_of_capital * (Z * (gamma ** (1 / epsilon))) ** -1 KLratio = ( ((1 - gamma) ** (1 / epsilon)) / ((bracket ** (epsilon - 1)) - (gamma ** (1 / epsilon))) ) ** (epsilon / (epsilon - 1)) return KLratio
[docs] def get_KLratio(r, w, p, method, m=-1): r""" This function solves for the capital-labor ratio given the interest rate r wage w and parameters. .. math:: \frac{K}{L} = \left(\frac{\gamma}{1 - \gamma - \gamma_g}\right) \left(\frac{w_t}{\frac{r_t + \delta - \tau_t^{corp}\delta_t^{\tau}}{1 - \tau_t^{corp}}}\right)^\varepsilon Args: r (array_like): the real interest rate w (array_like): the wage rate p (OG-Core Specifications object): model parameters method (str): adjusts calculation dimensions based on 'SS' or 'TPI' m (int): production industry index Returns: KLratio (array_like): the capital-labor ratio """ cost_of_capital = get_cost_of_capital(r, p, method, m) KLratio = (p.gamma[m] / (1 - p.gamma[m] - p.gamma_g[m])) * ( w / cost_of_capital ) ** p.epsilon[m] return KLratio
[docs] def get_MPx(Y, x, share, p, method, m=-1): r""" Compute the marginal product of x (where x is K, L, or K_g) .. math:: MPx = Z_t^\frac{\varepsilon-1}{\varepsilon}\left[(share) \frac{\hat{Y}_t}{\hat{x}_t}\right]^\frac{1}{\varepsilon} Args: Y (array_like): output x (array_like): input to production function share (scalar): share of output paid to factor x p (OG-Core Specifications object): model parameters method (str): adjusts calculation dimensions based on 'SS' or 'TPI' m (int): production industry index Returns: MPx (array_like): the marginal product of x """ if method == "SS": Z = p.Z[-1, m] else: Z = p.Z[: p.T, m].reshape(p.T, 1) Y = Y[: p.T].reshape(p.T, 1) x = x[: p.T].reshape(p.T, 1) if np.any(x) == 0: MPx = np.zeros_like(Y) else: MPx = Z ** ((p.epsilon[m] - 1) / p.epsilon[m]) * ((share * Y) / x) ** ( 1 / p.epsilon[m] ) return MPx
[docs] def get_w_from_r(r, p, method, m=-1): r""" Solve for a wage rate from a given interest rate. N.B. this is only appropriate if the production function only uses capital and labor as inputs. As such, this is not used for determining the domestic wage rate due to the presense of public capital in the production function. It is used only to determine the wage rate that affects the open economy demand for capital. .. math:: w = (1-\gamma)^\frac{1}{\varepsilon}Z\left[(\gamma)^\frac{1} {\varepsilon}\left(\frac{(1-\gamma)^\frac{1}{\varepsilon}} {\left[\frac{r + \delta - \tau^{corp}\delta^\tau}{(1 - \tau^{corp}) \gamma^\frac{1}{\varepsilon}Z}\right]^{\varepsilon-1} - \gamma^\frac{1}{\varepsilon}}\right) + (1-\gamma)^\frac{1}{\varepsilon}\right]^\frac{1}{\varepsilon-1} Args: r (array_like): the real interest rate p (OG-Core Specifications object): model parameters method (str): adjusts calculation dimensions based on 'SS' or 'TPI' m (int or None): production industry index Returns: w (array_like): the real wage rate """ KLratio = get_KLratio_KLonly(r, p, method, m) if method == "TPI": Z = p.Z[: p.T, m] else: Z = p.Z[-1, m] gamma = p.gamma[m] epsilon = p.epsilon[m] if epsilon == 1: # Cobb-Douglas case w = (1 - gamma) * Z * (KLratio**gamma) else: # General CES case w = ( ((1 - gamma) ** (1 / epsilon)) * Z * ( ( (gamma ** (1 / epsilon)) * (KLratio ** ((epsilon - 1) / epsilon)) + ((1 - gamma) ** (1 / epsilon)) ) ** (1 / (epsilon - 1)) ) ) return w
def get_K_KLonly(L, r, p, method, m=-1): r""" Generates vector of aggregate capital when the production function uses only K and L as inputs. Use with the open economy options. .. math:: K_{t} = \frac{K_{t}}{L_{t}} \times L_{t} Args: L (array_like): aggregate labor r (array_like): the real interest rate p (OG-Core Specifications object): model parameters method (str): adjusts calculation dimensions based on 'SS' or 'TPI' m (int or None): production industry index Returns: K (array_like): aggregate capital demand """ KLratio = get_KLratio_KLonly(r, p, method, m) K = KLratio * L return K
[docs] def get_L_from_Y(w, Y, p, method): r""" Find aggregate labor L from output Y and wages w .. math:: L_{t} = \frac{(1 - \gamma - \gamma_g) Z_{t}^{\varepsilon-1} Y_{t}}{w_{t}^{\varepsilon}} Args: w (array_like): the wage rate Y (array_like): aggregate output p (OG-Core Specifications object): model parameters method (str): adjusts calculation dimensions based on 'SS' or 'TPI' Returns: L (array_like): firm labor demand """ if method == "SS": Z = p.Z[-1] else: Z = p.Z[: p.T] L = ((1 - p.gamma - p.gamma_g) * Z ** (p.epsilon - 1) * Y) / (w**p.epsilon) return L
[docs] def get_K(r, w, L, p, method, m=-1): r""" Get K from r, w, L. For determining capital demand for open economy case. .. math:: K_{t} = \frac{K_{t}}{L_{t}} \times L_{t} Args: r (array_like): the real interest rate w (array_like): the wage rate L (array_like): aggregate labor p (OG-Core Specifications object): model parameters method (str): adjusts calculation dimensions based on 'SS' or 'TPI' m (int or None): production industry index Returns: K (array_like): aggregate capital demand """ KLratio = get_KLratio(r, w, p, method, m) K = KLratio * L return K
[docs] def get_cost_of_capital(r, p, method, m=-1): r""" Compute the cost of capital. .. math:: \rho_{m,t} = \frac{r_{t} + \delta_{M,t} - \tau^{b}_{m,t} \delta^{\tau}_{m,t} - \tau^{inv}_{m,t}\delta_{M,t}}{1 - \tau^{b}_{m,t}} Args: r (array_like): the real interest rate p (OG-Core Specifications object): model parameters method (str): adjusts calculation dimensions based on 'SS' or 'TPI' m (int or None): production industry index Returns: cost_of_capital (array_like): cost of capital """ if m is None: if method == "SS": tau_b = p.tau_b[-1, :] delta_tau = p.delta_tau[-1, :] tau_inv = p.inv_tax_credit[-1, :] else: tau_b = p.tau_b[: p.T, :] delta_tau = p.delta_tau[: p.T, :] tau_inv = p.inv_tax_credit[: p.T, :] r = r.reshape(p.T, 1) else: if method == "SS": tau_b = p.tau_b[-1, m] delta_tau = p.delta_tau[-1, m] tau_inv = p.inv_tax_credit[-1, m] else: tau_b = p.tau_b[: p.T, m] delta_tau = p.delta_tau[: p.T, m] tau_inv = p.inv_tax_credit[: p.T, m] r = r.reshape(p.T) cost_of_capital = (r + - tau_b * delta_tau - tau_inv * / ( 1 - tau_b ) return cost_of_capital
[docs] def get_pm(w, Y_vec, L_vec, p, method): r""" Find prices for outputs from each industry. .. math:: p_{m,t}=\frac{w_{t}}{\left((1-\gamma_m-\gamma_{g,m}) \frac{\hat{Y}_{m,t}}{\hat{L}_{m,t}}\right)^{\varepsilon_m}} Args: w (array_like): the wage rate Y_vec (array_like): output for each industry L_vec (array_like): labor demand for each industry p (OG-Core Specifications object): model parameters method (str): adjusts calculation dimensions based on 'SS' or 'TPI' Returns: p_m (array_like): output prices for each industry """ if method == "SS": Y = Y_vec.reshape(1, p.M) L = L_vec.reshape(1, p.M) T = 1 else: Y = Y_vec.reshape((p.T, p.M)) L = L_vec.reshape((p.T, p.M)) T = p.T p_m = np.zeros((T, p.M)) for m in range(p.M): # TODO: try to get rid of this loop MPL = get_MPx( Y[:, m], L[:, m], 1 - p.gamma[m] - p.gamma_g[m], p, method, m ).reshape(T) p_m[:, m] = w / MPL if method == "SS": p_m = p_m.reshape(p.M) return p_m
def get_KY_ratio(r, p_m, p, method, m=-1): r""" Get capital output ratio from FOC for interest rate. .. math:: \frac{\hat{K}_{m,t}}{\hat{Y}_{m,t}}=\gamma_{m} \left(\frac{p_{m,t}Z_{m,t}^{\frac{\varepsilon_m-1} {\varepsilon_m}}}{\rho_{m,t}}\right)^{\varepsilon_m} Args: r (array_like): the real interest rate p_m (array_like): output prices for each industry p (OG-Core Specifications object): model parameters method (str): adjusts calculation dimensions based on 'SS' or 'TPI' Returns: KY_ratio (array_like): capital output ratio """ cost_of_capital = get_cost_of_capital(r, p, method, m) if method == "SS": KY_ratio = ( p.gamma[m] * ( (p_m[m] * p.Z[-1, m] ** ((p.epsilon[m] - 1) / p.epsilon[m])) / cost_of_capital ) ** p.epsilon[m] ) else: KY_ratio = ( p.gamma[m] * ( ( p_m[:, m] * p.Z[: p.T, m] ** ((p.epsilon[m] - 1) / p.epsilon[m]) ) / cost_of_capital ) ** p.epsilon[m] ) return KY_ratio
[docs] def solve_L(Y, K, K_g, p, method, m=-1): r""" Solve for labor supply from the production function .. math:: \hat{L}_{m,t} = \left(\frac{\left(\frac{\hat{Y}_{m,t}} {Z_{m,t}}\right)^{\frac{\varepsilon_m-1}{\varepsilon_m}} - \gamma_{m}^{\frac{1}{\varepsilon_m}}\hat{K}_{m,t}^ {\frac{\varepsilon_m-1}{\varepsilon_m}} - \gamma_{g,m}^{\frac{1}{\varepsilon_m}}\hat{K}_{g,m,t}^ {\frac{\varepsilon_m-1}{\varepsilon_m}}} {(1-\gamma_m-\gamma_{g,m})^{\frac{1}{\varepsilon_m}}} \right)^{\frac{\varepsilon_m}{\varepsilon_m-1}} Args: Y (array_like): output for each industry K_vec (array_like): capital demand for each industry K_g (array_like): public capital stock p (OG-Core Specifications object): model parameters method (str): adjusts calculation dimensions based on 'SS' or 'TPI' m (int or None): index of industry to compute L for (None will compute L for all industries) Returns: L (array_like): labor demand each industry """ gamma = p.gamma[m] gamma_g = p.gamma_g[m] epsilon = p.epsilon[m] if method == "SS": Z = p.Z[-1, m] else: Z = p.Z[: p.T, m] try: if K_g == 0: K_g = 1.0 gamma_g = 0 except: if np.any(K_g == 0): K_g[K_g == 0] = 1.0 gamma_g = 0 if epsilon == 1.0: L = (Y / (Z * K**gamma * K_g**gamma_g)) ** (1 / (1 - gamma - gamma_g)) else: L = ( ( (Y / Z) ** ((epsilon - 1) / epsilon) - gamma ** (1 / epsilon) * K ** ((epsilon - 1) / epsilon) - gamma_g ** (1 / epsilon) * K_g ** ((epsilon - 1) / epsilon) ) / ((1 - gamma - gamma_g) ** (1 / epsilon)) ) ** (epsilon / (epsilon - 1)) return L
def adj_cost(K, Kp1, p, method): r""" Firm capital adjstment costs ..math:: \Psi(K_{t}, K_{t+1}) = \frac{\psi}{2}\biggr(\frac{\biggr(\frac{I_{t}}{K_{t}}-\mu\biggl)^{2}}{\frac{I_{t}}{K_{t}}}\biggl) Args: K (array-like): Current period capital stock Kp1 (array-like): One-period ahead capital stock p (OG-USA Parameters class object): Model parameters method (str): 'SS' or 'TPI' Returns Psi (array-like): Capital adjustment costs per unit of investment """ if method == "SS": ac_method = "total_ss" else: ac_method = "total_tpi" Inv = aggr.get_I(None, Kp1, K, p, ac_method) Psi = ((p.psi / 2) * (Inv / K - ** 2) / (Inv / K) return Psi