Source code for ogcore.execute

This module defines the runner() function, which is used to run OG-Core

import pickle
import cloudpickle
import os
import time
from ogcore import SS, TPI, utils

[docs] def runner(p, time_path=True, client=None): """ This function runs the OG-Core model, solving for the steady-state and (optionally) the time path equilibrium. Args: p (Specifications object): model parameters time_path (bool): whether to solve for the time path equilibrium client (Dask client object): client Returns: None """ tick = time.time() # Create output directory structure ss_dir = os.path.join(p.output_base, "SS") tpi_dir = os.path.join(p.output_base, "TPI") dirs = [ss_dir, tpi_dir] for _dir in dirs: try: print("making dir: ", _dir) os.makedirs(_dir) except OSError: pass print("In runner, baseline is ", p.baseline) """ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Run SS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ """ ss_outputs = SS.run_SS(p, client=client) """ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pickle SS results ------------------------------------------------------------------------ """ utils.mkdirs(os.path.join(p.output_base, "SS")) ss_dir = os.path.join(p.output_base, "SS", "SS_vars.pkl") with open(ss_dir, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(ss_outputs, f) print("JUST SAVED SS output to ", ss_dir) # Save pickle with parameter values for the run param_dir = os.path.join(p.output_base, "model_params.pkl") with open(param_dir, "wb") as f: cloudpickle.dump((p), f) if time_path: """ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Run the TPI simulation ------------------------------------------------------------------------ """ tpi_output = TPI.run_TPI(p, client=client) """ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pickle TPI results ------------------------------------------------------------------------ """ tpi_dir = os.path.join(p.output_base, "TPI") utils.mkdirs(tpi_dir) tpi_vars = os.path.join(tpi_dir, "TPI_vars.pkl") with open(tpi_vars, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(tpi_output, f) print("Time path iteration complete.") print( "It took {0} seconds to get that part done.".format(time.time() - tick) )