import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import os
import pickle
from pandas_datareader import data as web
import datetime
from linearmodels import PanelOLS
from ogusa.constants import PSID_NOMINAL_VARS, PSID_CONSTANT_VARS
# This is the case when a separate script is calling this function in
# this module
CURDIR = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))[0]
except NameError:
# This is the case when a Jupyter notebook is calling this function
CURDIR = os.getcwd()
output_fldr = "io_files"
output_dir = os.path.join(CURDIR, output_fldr)
if not os.access(output_dir, os.F_OK):
def prep_data(
data=os.path.join(CURDIR, "..", "data", "PSID", "psid1968to2015.csv.gz")
This script takes PSID data created from psid_download.R and:
1) Creates variables at the "tax filing unit" (equal to family
unit in PSID since there is no info on the filing status chosen).
2) Selects a sample of observations to work with (e.g., dropping
very old, very low income, etc.).
3) Computes a measure of lifetime income and places each household
into a lifetime income percentile group
data (str): path to RData file with PSID data
panel_li (Pandas DataFrame): household level data with lifetime
income groups defined
# Read data from R into pandas dataframe
raw_df = pd.read_csv(data, compression="gzip")
# Create unique identifier for each household
# note that will define a new household if head or spouse changes
# keep only current heads
# before 1983, head is relation.head == 1, 1983+ head is given by
# relation.head == 10
# Select just those in the SRC sample, which is representative of the
# population and so will not require the use of sampling weights
# SRC sample families have 1968 family interview numbers less than 3000
raw_df = raw_df[raw_df["ID1968"] < 3000].copy()
raw_df.index[(raw_df["year"] < 1983) & (raw_df["relation.head"] == 1)],
] = 10
raw_df.index[(raw_df["year"] < 1983) & (raw_df["relation.head"] == 2)],
] = 20
head_df = raw_df.loc[
(raw_df["relation.head"] == 10) & (raw_df["sequence"] == 1)
head_df.rename(columns={"pid": "head_id"}, inplace=True)
# keep legal spouse or long term partners
spouse_df = raw_df.loc[
(raw_df["relation.head"] >= 20)
& (raw_df["relation.head"] <= 22)
& (raw_df["sequence"] == 2)
["pid", "ID1968", "year", "interview_number"],
spouse_df.rename(columns={"pid": "spouse_id"}, inplace=True)
psid_df = head_df.merge(
spouse_df, how="left", on=["ID1968", "year", "interview_number"]
# create unique household id for combination of head and a specific spouse
psid_df["hh_id"] = (psid_df["head_id"] * 1000000) + psid_df[
# clean up files no longer need
del raw_df, head_df, spouse_df
# Fix ages to increment by one (or two) between survey waves. They do
# not always do this because the survey may be asked as different times
# of year
min_age_df = psid_df.groupby("hh_id").agg(["min"])["head_age"]
min_age_df.rename(columns={"min": "min_age"}, inplace=True)
min_year_df = psid_df.groupby("hh_id").agg(["min"])["year"]
min_year_df.rename(columns={"min": "min_year"}, inplace=True)
psid_df = psid_df.merge(min_age_df, on="hh_id", how="left")
psid_df = psid_df.merge(min_year_df, on="hh_id", how="left")
psid_df.sort_values(by=["hh_id", "year"], inplace=True)
psid_df["age"] = psid_df["year"] - psid_df["min_year"] + psid_df["min_age"]
# clean up
del min_age_df, min_year_df
# Deflate nominal variables
# because surveys ask about prior year
psid_df["year_data"] = psid_df["year"] - 1
# create spouse labor income, since not consistent variable name
# across time
psid_df["spouse_labor_inc"] = (
+ psid_df["spouse_labor_inc_post1993"]
psid_df.loc[psid_df["year"] == 1993, "spouse_labor_inc"] = psid_df[
# set beginning and end dates for data
start = datetime.datetime(1968, 1, 1)
end =
# pull series of interest using pandas_datareader
fred_data = web.DataReader(["CPIAUCSL"], "fred", start, end)
# Make data annual by averaging over months in year
fred_data = fred_data.resample("YE").mean()
fred_data["year_data"] = fred_data.index.year
psid_df2 = psid_df.merge(fred_data, how="left", on="year_data")
psid_df = psid_df2
cpi_2010 = fred_data.loc[datetime.datetime(2010, 12, 31), "CPIAUCSL"]
for item in PSID_NOMINAL_VARS:
psid_df[item] = (psid_df[item] * cpi_2010) / psid_df["CPIAUCSL"]
# clean up
del fred_data, psid_df2
# Fill in missing values with zeros
psid_df[PSID_NOMINAL_VARS] = psid_df[PSID_NOMINAL_VARS].fillna(0)
psid_df[["head_annual_hours", "spouse_annual_hours"]] = psid_df[
["head_annual_hours", "spouse_annual_hours"]
# Construct family ("filing unit") level variables
psid_df["incwage_hh"] = (
psid_df["head_labor_inc"] + psid_df["spouse_labor_inc"]
psid_df["earninc_hh"] = (
+ psid_df["head_noncorp_bus_labor_income"]
+ psid_df["spouse_noncorp_bus_labor_income"]
psid_df["businc_hh"] = (
+ psid_df["spouse_noncorp_bus_labor_income"]
# note that PSID doesn't separate hours towards employed and business
# work
psid_df["earnhours_hh"] = (
psid_df["head_annual_hours"] + psid_df["spouse_annual_hours"]
psid_df["wage_rate"] = psid_df["incwage_hh"] / psid_df["earnhours_hh"]
psid_df["earn_rate"] = psid_df["earninc_hh"] / psid_df["earnhours_hh"]
with np.errstate(divide="ignore"):
psid_df["ln_wage_rate"] = np.log(psid_df["wage_rate"])
psid_df["ln_earn_rate"] = np.log(psid_df["earn_rate"])
psid_df["singlemale"] = (psid_df["head_gender"] == 1) & (
psid_df["marital_status"] != 1
psid_df["singlefemale"] = (psid_df["head_gender"] == 2) & (
psid_df["marital_status"] != 1
psid_df["marriedmalehead"] = (psid_df["head_gender"] == 1) & (
psid_df["marital_status"] == 1
psid_df["marriedfemalehead"] = (psid_df["head_gender"] == 2) & (
psid_df["marital_status"] == 1
psid_df["married"] = (psid_df["marital_status"] == 1).astype(int)
# sample selection
# drop very young, very old, those with very low earnings, and any
# outliers with very high earnings, those working at least 200 hrs
# should check to see if we want to drop any particular years... (e.g.,
# I think some data is missing before 1970)
"age >= 20 & age <= 80 & incwage_hh >= 5"
+ " & wage_rate >= 5 & wage_rate <= 25000"
+ " & earnhours_hh > 200",
# Indicator for obs being from PSID not interpolated value
# used to make drops later
psid_df.sort_values(by=["hh_id", "year"], inplace=True)
# psid_df[
# [
# "head_id",
# "spouse_id",
# "hh_id",
# "head_age",
# "age",
# "spouse_age",
# "ID1968",
# "year",
# "interview_number",
# "head_marital_status",
# "marital_status",
# ]
# ].to_csv("psid_to_check.csv")
# The next several lines try to identify and then drop from the sample
# hh_ids that report more than one type of marital status
# there are 179 of these, 26 are men who report being married and not at
# different times, even when a spouse id is not present
marriedmale_df = psid_df.groupby("hh_id").agg(["max"])["marriedmalehead"]
singlemale_df = psid_df.groupby("hh_id").agg(["max"])["singlemale"]
marriedfemale_df = psid_df.groupby("hh_id").agg(["max"])[
singlefemale_df = psid_df.groupby("hh_id").agg(["max"])["singlefemale"]
marriedmale_df.rename(columns={"max": "m_marriedmalehead"}, inplace=True)
singlemale_df.rename(columns={"max": "m_singlemale"}, inplace=True)
columns={"max": "m_marriedfemalehead"}, inplace=True
singlefemale_df.rename(columns={"max": "m_singlefemale"}, inplace=True)
merged_df = marriedmale_df.join(
[singlemale_df, marriedfemale_df, singlefemale_df],
merged_df["sum_status"] = (
+ merged_df["m_singlefemale"].astype(int)
+ merged_df["m_marriedfemalehead"].astype(int)
+ merged_df["m_marriedmalehead"].astype(int)
merged_df_to_list = merged_df[merged_df["sum_status"] > 1]
hhid_to_drop = merged_df_to_list.copy()
hhid_to_drop["keep"] = False
psid_df = psid_df.merge(hhid_to_drop, on="hh_id", how="left")
psid_df["keep"].fillna(True, inplace=True)
psid_df = psid_df[psid_df["keep"]].copy()
psid_df["in_psid"] = True
# print number of obs by year
"Number of obs by year = ",
num_obs_psid = psid_df.shape[0]
psid_df.sort_values(by=["hh_id", "year"], inplace=True)
# clean up
del (
# "fill in" observations - so have observation for each household
# from age 20-80
# note that do this before running regression, but that's ok since
# wages missing here so these obs don't affect regression
uid = psid_df["hh_id"].unique()
all_ages = list(range(20, 81)) # for list of ages 20 to 80
ids_full = np.array([[x] * len(all_ages) for x in list(uid)]).flatten()
ages = all_ages * len(uid)
balanced_panel = pd.DataFrame({"hh_id": ids_full, "age": ages})
rebalanced_data = balanced_panel.merge(
psid_df, how="left", on=["hh_id", "age"]
# Backfill and then forward fill variables that are constant over time
# within hhid
rebalanced_data[item] = rebalanced_data.groupby("hh_id")[item].bfill()
rebalanced_data[item] = rebalanced_data.groupby("hh_id")[item].ffill()
### NOTE: we seem to get some cases where the marital status is not constant
# despite trying to set up the identification of a household such that it
# has to be. Why this is happening needs to be checked.
# Fill in year by doing a cumulative counter within each hh_id and then
# using the difference between age and this counter to infer what the
# year should be'
rebalanced_data.sort_values(["hh_id", "age"], inplace=True)
rebalanced_data["counter"] = rebalanced_data.groupby("hh_id").cumcount()
rebalanced_data["diff"] = (
rebalanced_data["year"] - rebalanced_data["counter"]
0, inplace=True
) # because NaNs if year missing
max_df = rebalanced_data.groupby("hh_id").agg(["max"])["diff"]
rebalanced_data = rebalanced_data.join(max_df, how="left", on=["hh_id"])
rebalanced_data["year"] = (
rebalanced_data["max"] + rebalanced_data["counter"]
# clean up
del max_df, balanced_panel
### Check that there are 61 obs for each hh_id
# create additional variables for first stage regressions
df = rebalanced_data.reset_index()
df["age2"] = df["age"] ** 2
df["age3"] = df["age"] ** 3
df["age_smale"] = df["age"] * df["singlemale"]
df["age_sfemale"] = df["age"] * df["singlefemale"]
df["age_mmale"] = df["age"] * df["marriedmalehead"]
df["age_mfemale"] = df["age"] * df["marriedfemalehead"]
df["age_smale2"] = df["age2"] * df["singlemale"]
df["age_sfemale2"] = df["age2"] * df["singlefemale"]
df["age_mmale2"] = df["age2"] * df["marriedmalehead"]
df["age_mfemale2"] = df["age2"] * df["marriedfemalehead"]
df["age_smale3"] = df["age3"] * df["singlemale"]
df["age_sfemale3"] = df["age3"] * df["singlefemale"]
df["age_mmale3"] = df["age3"] * df["marriedmalehead"]
df["age_mfemale3"] = df["age3"] * df["marriedfemalehead"]
# clean up
del rebalanced_data
# run regressions to impute wages for years not observed in sample
df.set_index(["hh_id", "year"], inplace=True)
list_of_statuses = [
"Single Males",
"Single Females",
"Married, Male Head",
"Married, Female Head",
list_of_dfs = [
list_of_dfs_with_fitted_vals = []
first_stage_model_results = {
"Names": [
"Head Age",
"Head Age^2",
"Head Age^3",
"Single Males": [],
"Single Females": [],
"Married, Male Head": [],
"Married, Female Head": [],
for i, data in enumerate(list_of_dfs):
# Note that including entity and time effects leads to a collinearity
# I think this is because there are some years at begin and end of
# sample with just one person
# mod = PanelOLS(data.ln_wage_rate,
# data[['age', 'age2', 'age3']],
# weights=data.fam_smpl_wgt_core,
# entity_effects=True, time_effects=True)
mod = PanelOLS(
data[["age", "age2", "age3"]],
res ="clustered", cluster_entity=True)
# print("Summary for ", list_of_statuses[i])
# print(res.summary)
# Save model results to dictionary
first_stage_model_results[list_of_statuses[i]] = [
fit_values = res.predict(fitted=True, effects=True, missing=True)
fit_values["predictions"] = (
fit_values["fitted_values"] + fit_values["estimated_effects"]
data.join(fit_values, how="left", on=["hh_id", "year"])
df_w_fit = pd.concat(list_of_dfs_with_fitted_vals)
# list_of_dfs_with_fitted_vals[0].append(
# list_of_dfs_with_fitted_vals[1].append(
# list_of_dfs_with_fitted_vals[2].append(
# list_of_dfs_with_fitted_vals[3]
# )
# )
# )
df_w_fit.rename(columns={"predictions": "ln_fillin_wage"}, inplace=True)
# print(
# "Descritpion of data coming out of estimation: ", df_w_fit.describe()
# )
# Seems to be the same as going into estimation
# Compute lifetime income for each filer
int_rate = 0.04 # assumed interest rate to compute NPV of lifetime income
time_endow = 4000
# assumed time endowment - set at 4000 hours !!! May want
# to change this to be different for single households than married !!!
df_w_fit["time_wage"] = np.exp(df_w_fit["ln_fillin_wage"]) * time_endow
df_w_fit["lifetime_inc"] = df_w_fit["time_wage"] * (
(1 / (1 + int_rate)) ** (df_w_fit["age"] - 20)
li_df = (df_w_fit[["lifetime_inc"]].groupby(["hh_id"]).sum()).copy()
# find percentile in distrubtion of lifetime income
li_df["li_percentile"] = li_df.lifetime_inc.rank(pct=True)
# Put in bins
groups = [0.0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 0.99, 1.0]
cats_pct = ["0-25", "26-50", "51-70", "71-80", "81-90", "91-99", "100"]
li_df = li_df.join(
pd.get_dummies(pd.cut(li_df["li_percentile"], groups, labels=cats_pct))
li_df["li_group"] = pd.cut(li_df["li_percentile"], groups)
deciles = list(np.arange(0.0, 1.1, 0.10))
cats_10 = ["D1", "D2", "D3", "D4", "D5", "D6", "D7", "D8", "D9", "D10"]
li_df = li_df.join(
pd.get_dummies(pd.cut(li_df["li_percentile"], deciles, labels=cats_10))
li_df["li_decile"] = pd.cut(li_df["li_percentile"], deciles)
# Merge lifetime income to panel
df_w_fit.drop(columns="lifetime_inc", inplace=True)
df_fit2 = df_w_fit.join(
li_df, how="left", on=["hh_id"], lsuffix="_x", rsuffix="_y"
# Drop from balanced panel those that were not in original panel
df_fit2["in_psid"].fillna(False, inplace=True)
panel_li = (df_fit2[df_fit2["in_psid"]]).copy()
# Save dictionary of regression results
# pickle.dump(
# first_stage_model_results,
# open(
# os.path.join(
# CURDIR, "..", "data", "PSID", "first_stage_reg_results.pkl"
# ),
# "wb",
# ),
# )
results_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(first_stage_model_results)
CURDIR, "..", "data", "PSID", "first_stage_reg_results.pkl"
# Save dataframe
panel_li.loc["li_group"] = panel_li["li_group"].astype("category")
panel_li.loc["li_decile"] = panel_li["li_decile"].astype("category")
panel_li.dropna(axis=0, how="all", inplace=True)
os.path.join(CURDIR, "..", "data", "PSID", "psid_lifetime_income.csv")
return panel_li