Source code for ogusa.get_micro_data

This program extracts tax rate and income data from the microsimulation
model (Tax-Calculator).

from taxcalc import Records, Calculator, Policy
from pandas import DataFrame
from dask import delayed, compute
import dask.multiprocessing
import numpy as np
import os
import pickle
import importlib.metadata
from ogcore import utils
from ogusa.constants import DEFAULT_START_YEAR, TC_LAST_YEAR

CUR_PATH = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))[0]

[docs] def get_calculator( calculator_start_year, iit_baseline=None, iit_reform=None, data=None, gfactors=None, weights=None, records_start_year=Records.PUFCSV_YEAR, ): """ This function creates the tax calculator object with the policy specified in reform and the data specified with the data kwarg. Args: calculator_start_year (int): first year of budget window reform (dictionary): IIT policy reform parameters, None if baseline data (DataFrame or str): DataFrame or path to datafile for Records object gfactors (Tax-Calculator GrowthFactors object): growth factors to use to extrapolate data over budget window weights (DataFrame): weights for Records object records_start_year (int): the start year for the data and weights dfs (default is set to the PUF start year as defined in the Tax-Calculator project) Returns: calc1 (Tax-Calculator Calculator object): Calculator object with current_year equal to calculator_start_year """ # create a calculator policy1 = Policy() if data is not None and "cps" in data: print("Using CPS") records1 = Records.cps_constructor() # impute short and long term capital gains if using CPS data # in 2012 SOI data 6.587% of CG as short-term gains records1.p22250 = 0.06587 * records1.e01100 records1.p23250 = (1 - 0.06587) * records1.e01100 # set total capital gains to zero records1.e01100 = np.zeros(records1.e01100.shape[0]) elif data is None or "puf" in data: # pragma: no cover print("Using PUF") records1 = Records() elif data is not None and "tmd" in data: # pragma: no cover print("Using TMD") records1 = Records.tmd_constructor("tmd.csv.gz") elif data is not None: # pragma: no cover print("Data is ", data) print("Weights are ", weights) print("Records start year is ", records_start_year) records1 = Records( data=data, gfactors=gfactors, weights=weights, start_year=records_start_year, ) # pragma: no cover else: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError("Please provide data or use CPS, PUF, or TMD.") if iit_baseline: # if something other than current law policy baseline update_policy(policy1, iit_baseline) if iit_reform: # if there is a reform update_policy(policy1, iit_reform) # the default set up increments year to 2013 calc1 = Calculator(records=records1, policy=policy1) print("Calculator initial year = ", calc1.current_year) # Check that start_year is appropriate if calculator_start_year > TC_LAST_YEAR: raise RuntimeError("Start year is beyond data extrapolation.") return calc1
[docs] def get_data( baseline=False, start_year=DEFAULT_START_YEAR, iit_baseline=None, iit_reform={}, data=None, gfactors=None, weights=None, records_start_year=Records.CPSCSV_YEAR, path=CUR_PATH, client=None, num_workers=1, ): """ This function creates dataframes of micro data with marginal tax rates and information to compute effective tax rates from the Tax-Calculator output. The resulting dictionary of dataframes is returned and saved to disk in a pickle file. Args: baseline (boolean): True if baseline tax policy calculator_start_year (int): first year of budget window iit_baseline (dictionary): IIT policy parameters for baseline iit_reform (dictionary): IIT policy reform parameters, None if baseline data (str or Pandas DataFrame): path or DataFrame with data for Tax-Calculator model gfactors (str or Pandas DataFrame ): path or DataFrame with growth factors for Tax-Calculator model weights (str or Pandas DataFrame): path or DataFrame with weights for Tax-Calculator model records_start_year (int): year micro data begins path (str): path to save microdata files to client (Dask Client object): client for Dask multiprocessing num_workers (int): number of workers to use for Dask multiprocessing Returns: micro_data_dict (dict): dict of Pandas Dataframe, one for each year from start_year to the maximum year Tax-Calculator can analyze taxcalc_version (str): version of Tax-Calculator used """ # Compute MTRs and taxes or each year, but not beyond TC_LAST_YEAR lazy_values = [] for year in range(start_year, TC_LAST_YEAR + 1): lazy_values.append( delayed(taxcalc_advance)( start_year, iit_baseline, iit_reform, data, gfactors, weights, records_start_year, year, ) ) if client: # pragma: no cover futures = client.compute(lazy_values, num_workers=num_workers) results = client.gather(futures) else: results = results = compute( *lazy_values, scheduler=dask.multiprocessing.get, num_workers=num_workers, ) # dictionary of data frames to return micro_data_dict = {} for i, result in enumerate(results): year = start_year + i micro_data_dict[str(year)] = DataFrame(result) if baseline: pkl_path = os.path.join(path, "micro_data_baseline.pkl") else: pkl_path = os.path.join(path, "micro_data_policy.pkl") utils.mkdirs(path) with open(pkl_path, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(micro_data_dict, f) # Do some garbage collection del results # Pull Tax-Calc version for reference taxcalc_version = importlib.metadata.version("taxcalc") return micro_data_dict, taxcalc_version
[docs] def taxcalc_advance( start_year, iit_baseline, iit_reform, data, gfactors, weights, records_start_year, year, ): """ This function advances the year used in Tax-Calculator, compute taxes and rates, and save the results to a dictionary. Args: start_year (int): first year of budget window iit_baseline (dict): IIT policy parameters for baseline iit_reform (dict): IIT policy reform parameters for reform data (str or Pandas DataFrame): path or DataFrame with data for Tax-Calculator model gfactors (str or Pandas DataFrame ): path or DataFrame with growth factors for Tax-Calculator model weights (str or Pandas DataFrame): path or DataFrame with weights for Tax-Calculator model records_start_year (int): year micro data begins year (int): year to advance to in Tax-Calculator Returns: tax_dict (dict): a dictionary of microdata with marginal tax rates and other information computed in TC """ calc1 = get_calculator( calculator_start_year=start_year, iit_baseline=iit_baseline, iit_reform=iit_reform, data=data, gfactors=gfactors, weights=weights, records_start_year=records_start_year, ) calc1.advance_to_year(year) calc1.calc_all() print("Year: ", str(calc1.current_year)) # define market income - taking expanded_income and excluding gov't # transfer benefits found in the Tax-Calculator expanded income market_income = calc1.array("expanded_income") - calc1.array( "benefit_value_total" ) # Compute mtr on capital income mtr_combined_capinc = cap_inc_mtr(calc1) # Compute weighted avg mtr for labor income # Note the index [2] in the mtr results means that we are pulling # the combined mtr from the IIT + FICA taxes mtr_combined_labinc = ("e00200p")[2] * np.abs(calc1.array("e00200")) +"e00900p")[2] * np.abs(calc1.array("sey")) ) / (np.abs(calc1.array("sey")) + np.abs(calc1.array("e00200"))) # Put MTRs, income, tax liability, and other variables in dict length = len(calc1.array("s006")) tax_dict = { "mtr_labinc": mtr_combined_labinc, "mtr_capinc": mtr_combined_capinc, "age": calc1.array("age_head"), "total_labinc": calc1.array("sey") + calc1.array("e00200"), "total_capinc": ( market_income - calc1.array("sey") + calc1.array("e00200") ), "market_income": market_income, "total_tax_liab": calc1.array("combined"), "payroll_tax_liab": calc1.array("payrolltax"), "etr": ( (calc1.array("combined") - calc1.array("ubi")) / np.maximum(market_income, 1) ), "year": calc1.current_year * np.ones(length), "weight": calc1.array("s006"), } # garbage collection del calc1 return tax_dict
[docs] def cap_inc_mtr(calc1): # pragma: no cover """ This function computes the marginal tax rate on capital income, which is calculated as a weighted average of the marginal tax rates on different sources of capital income. Args: calc1 (Tax-Calculator Calculator object): TC calculator Returns: mtr_combined_capinc (Numpy array): array with marginal tax rates for each observation in the TC Records object """ # Note: PUF does not have variable for non-taxable IRA distributions # Exclude Sch E income (e02000) from this list since we'll compute # MTRs for this income in two parts - one for overall Sch C and one # for S Corp and Partnerhsip income (e26270) (note that TaxCalc # doesn't allow for an MTR on rents and royalties alone) # e00300 = interest income # e00400 = nontaxable interest income # e00600 = ordinary dividend income # e00650 = qualified dividend income # e01400 = taxable IRA distributions # e01700 = pension and annuity income # p22250 = short term cap gain/loss # p23250 = long term cap gain/loss # e26270 = partnership and s corp income/loss # e02000 = Sch E income (includes e26270) capital_income_sources = ( "e00300", "e00400", "e00600", "e00650", "e01400", "e01700", "p22250", "p23250", "e26270", ) rent_royalty_inc = np.abs(calc1.array("e02000") - calc1.array("e26270")) # assign overall Sch E mtr to rent and royalities since TC can't do # this component separately rent_royalty_mtr ="e02000")[2] # calculating MTRs separately - can skip items with zero tax all_mtrs = { income_source: for income_source in capital_income_sources } # Get each column of income sources, to include non-taxable income record_columns = [calc1.array(x) for x in capital_income_sources] # Compute weighted average of all those MTRs # first find total capital income total_cap_inc = sum(map(abs, record_columns)) + rent_royalty_inc # Note that all_mtrs gives fica (0), iit (1), and combined (2) mtrs # We'll use the combined - hence all_mtrs[source][2] capital_mtr = [ abs(col) * all_mtrs[source][2] for col, source in zip(record_columns, capital_income_sources) ] mtr_combined_capinc = np.zeros_like(total_cap_inc) mtr_combined_capinc[total_cap_inc != 0] = ( sum(capital_mtr + rent_royalty_mtr * rent_royalty_inc)[ total_cap_inc != 0 ] / total_cap_inc[total_cap_inc != 0] ) mtr_combined_capinc[total_cap_inc == 0] = all_mtrs["e00300"][2][ total_cap_inc == 0 ] return mtr_combined_capinc
[docs] def update_policy(policy_obj, reform, **kwargs): """ Convenience method that updates the Policy object with the reform dict using the appropriate method, given the reform format. Args: policy_obj (Policy object): Tax-Calculator Policy object reform (dict or str): JSON string or dictionary of reform parameters kwargs (dict): keyword arguments to pass to the adjust method Returns: None (updates policy object) """ if is_paramtools_format(reform): policy_obj.adjust(reform, **kwargs) else: policy_obj.implement_reform(reform, **kwargs)
[docs] def is_paramtools_format(reform): """ Check first item in reform to determine if it is using the ParamTools adjustment or the Tax-Calculator reform format. If first item is a dict, then it is likely be a Tax-Calculator reform: { param: {2020: 1000} } Otherwise, it is likely to be a ParamTools format. Args: reform (dict or str): JSON string or dictionary of reform parameters Returns: format (bool): True if reform is likely to be in PT format. """ for _, data in reform.items(): if isinstance(data, dict): return False # taxcalc reform else: # Not doing a specific check to see if the value is a list # since it could be a list or just a scalar value. return True