Source code for ogusa.get_micro_data

This program extracts tax rate and income data from the microsimulation
model (Tax-Calculator).

from taxcalc import Records, Calculator, Policy
from pandas import DataFrame
from dask import delayed, compute
import dask.multiprocessing
import numpy as np
import os
import pickle
import pkg_resources
from ogcore import utils
from ogusa.constants import DEFAULT_START_YEAR, TC_LAST_YEAR, PUF_START_YEAR

CUR_PATH = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))[0]

[docs] def get_calculator( baseline, calculator_start_year, reform=None, data=None, gfactors=None, weights=None, records_start_year=PUF_START_YEAR, ): """ This function creates the tax calculator object with the policy specified in reform and the data specified with the data kwarg. Args: baseline (boolean): True if baseline tax policy calculator_start_year (int): first year of budget window reform (dictionary): IIT policy reform parameters, None if baseline data (DataFrame or str): DataFrame or path to datafile for Records object gfactors (Tax-Calculator GrowthFactors object): growth factors to use to extrapolate data over budget window weights (DataFrame): weights for Records object records_start_year (int): the start year for the data and weights dfs (default is set to the PUF start year as defined in the Tax-Calculator project) Returns: calc1 (Tax-Calculator Calculator object): Calculator object with current_year equal to calculator_start_year """ # create a calculator policy1 = Policy() if data is not None and "cps" in data: records1 = Records.cps_constructor() # impute short and long term capital gains if using CPS data # in 2012 SOI data 6.587% of CG as short-term gains records1.p22250 = 0.06587 * records1.e01100 records1.p23250 = (1 - 0.06587) * records1.e01100 # set total capital gains to zero records1.e01100 = np.zeros(records1.e01100.shape[0]) elif data is not None: # pragma: no cover records1 = Records( data=data, gfactors=gfactors, weights=weights, start_year=records_start_year, ) # pragma: no cover else: # pragma: no cover records1 = Records() # pragma: no cover if baseline: if not reform: print("Running current law policy baseline") else: print("Baseline policy is: ", reform) else: if not reform: print("Running with current law as reform") else: print("Reform policy is: ", reform) print("TYPE", type(reform)) policy1.implement_reform(reform) # the default set up increments year to 2013 calc1 = Calculator(records=records1, policy=policy1) # Check that start_year is appropriate if calculator_start_year > TC_LAST_YEAR: raise RuntimeError("Start year is beyond data extrapolation.") return calc1
[docs] def get_data( baseline=False, start_year=DEFAULT_START_YEAR, reform={}, data=None, path=CUR_PATH, client=None, num_workers=1, ): """ This function creates dataframes of micro data with marginal tax rates and information to compute effective tax rates from the Tax-Calculator output. The resulting dictionary of dataframes is returned and saved to disk in a pickle file. Args: baseline (boolean): True if baseline tax policy calculator_start_year (int): first year of budget window reform (dictionary): IIT policy reform parameters, None if baseline data (DataFrame or str): DataFrame or path to datafile for Records object path (str): path to save microdata files to client (Dask Client object): client for Dask multiprocessing num_workers (int): number of workers to use for Dask multiprocessing Returns: micro_data_dict (dict): dict of Pandas Dataframe, one for each year from start_year to the maximum year Tax-Calculator can analyze taxcalc_version (str): version of Tax-Calculator used """ # Compute MTRs and taxes or each year, but not beyond TC_LAST_YEAR lazy_values = [] for year in range(start_year, TC_LAST_YEAR + 1): lazy_values.append( delayed(taxcalc_advance)(baseline, start_year, reform, data, year) ) if client: # pragma: no cover futures = client.compute(lazy_values, num_workers=num_workers) results = client.gather(futures) else: results = results = compute( *lazy_values, scheduler=dask.multiprocessing.get, num_workers=num_workers, ) # dictionary of data frames to return micro_data_dict = {} for i, result in enumerate(results): year = start_year + i micro_data_dict[str(year)] = DataFrame(result) if baseline: pkl_path = os.path.join(path, "micro_data_baseline.pkl") else: pkl_path = os.path.join(path, "micro_data_policy.pkl") utils.mkdirs(path) with open(pkl_path, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(micro_data_dict, f) # Do some garbage collection del results # Pull Tax-Calc version for reference taxcalc_version = pkg_resources.get_distribution("taxcalc").version return micro_data_dict, taxcalc_version
[docs] def taxcalc_advance(baseline, start_year, reform, data, year): """ This function advances the year used in Tax-Calculator, compute taxes and rates, and save the results to a dictionary. Args: calc1 (Tax-Calculator Calculator object): TC calculator year (int): year to begin advancing from Returns: tax_dict (dict): a dictionary of microdata with marginal tax rates and other information computed in TC """ calc1 = get_calculator( baseline=baseline, calculator_start_year=start_year, reform=reform, data=data, ) calc1.advance_to_year(year) calc1.calc_all() print("Year: ", str(calc1.current_year)) # define market income - taking expanded_income and excluding gov't # transfer benefits found in the Tax-Calculator expanded income market_income = calc1.array("expanded_income") - calc1.array( "benefit_value_total" ) # Compute mtr on capital income mtr_combined_capinc = cap_inc_mtr(calc1) # Compute weighted avg mtr for labor income # Note the index [2] in the mtr results means that we are pulling # the combined mtr from the IIT + FICA taxes mtr_combined_labinc = ("e00200p")[2] * np.abs(calc1.array("e00200")) +"e00900p")[2] * np.abs(calc1.array("sey")) ) / (np.abs(calc1.array("sey")) + np.abs(calc1.array("e00200"))) # Put MTRs, income, tax liability, and other variables in dict length = len(calc1.array("s006")) tax_dict = { "mtr_labinc": mtr_combined_labinc, "mtr_capinc": mtr_combined_capinc, "age": calc1.array("age_head"), "total_labinc": calc1.array("sey") + calc1.array("e00200"), "total_capinc": ( market_income - calc1.array("sey") + calc1.array("e00200") ), "market_income": market_income, "total_tax_liab": calc1.array("combined"), "payroll_tax_liab": calc1.array("payrolltax"), "etr": ( (calc1.array("combined") - calc1.array("ubi")) / market_income ), "year": calc1.current_year * np.ones(length), "weight": calc1.array("s006"), } # garbage collection del calc1 return tax_dict
[docs] def cap_inc_mtr(calc1): # pragma: no cover """ This function computes the marginal tax rate on capital income, which is calculated as a weighted average of the marginal tax rates on different sources of capital income. Args: calc1 (Tax-Calculator Calculator object): TC calculator Returns: mtr_combined_capinc (Numpy array): array with marginal tax rates for each observation in the TC Records object """ # Note: PUF does not have variable for non-taxable IRA distributions # Exclude Sch E income (e02000) from this list since we'll compute # MTRs for this income in two parts - one for overall Sch C and one # for S Corp and Partnerhsip income (e26270) (note that TaxCalc # doesn't allow for an MTR on rents and royalties alone) # e00300 = interest income # e00400 = nontaxable interest income # e00600 = ordinary dividend income # e00650 = qualified dividend income # e01400 = taxable IRA distributions # e01700 = pension and annuity income # p22250 = short term cap gain/loss # p23250 = long term cap gain/loss # e26270 = partnership and s corp income/loss # e02000 = Sch E income (includes e26270) capital_income_sources = ( "e00300", "e00400", "e00600", "e00650", "e01400", "e01700", "p22250", "p23250", "e26270", ) rent_royalty_inc = np.abs(calc1.array("e02000") - calc1.array("e26270")) # assign overall Sch E mtr to rent and royalities since TC can't do # this component separately rent_royalty_mtr ="e02000")[2] # calculating MTRs separately - can skip items with zero tax all_mtrs = { income_source: for income_source in capital_income_sources } # Get each column of income sources, to include non-taxable income record_columns = [calc1.array(x) for x in capital_income_sources] # Compute weighted average of all those MTRs # first find total capital income total_cap_inc = sum(map(abs, record_columns)) + rent_royalty_inc # Note that all_mtrs gives fica (0), iit (1), and combined (2) mtrs # We'll use the combined - hence all_mtrs[source][2] capital_mtr = [ abs(col) * all_mtrs[source][2] for col, source in zip(record_columns, capital_income_sources) ] mtr_combined_capinc = np.zeros_like(total_cap_inc) mtr_combined_capinc[total_cap_inc != 0] = ( sum(capital_mtr + rent_royalty_mtr * rent_royalty_inc)[ total_cap_inc != 0 ] / total_cap_inc[total_cap_inc != 0] ) mtr_combined_capinc[total_cap_inc == 0] = all_mtrs["e00300"][2][ total_cap_inc == 0 ] return mtr_combined_capinc