This script uses simulated method of moments estimator to estimate the
beta_j parameters for OG-USA.
import numpy as np
import os
import scipy.optimize as opt
from ogcore.parameters import Specifications
from ogusa import wealth
from ogcore import SS
from ogcore.utils import Inequality
# Don't print output along the way of SS solution
CUR_PATH = os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))[0]
def beta_estimate(
beta_initial_guesses, og_spec={}, two_step=False, client=None
This function estimates the beta_j parameters using a simulated
method of moments estimator that targets moments of the wealth
beta_initial_guesses (array-like): array of initial guesses for the
beta_j parameters
og_spec (dict): any updates to default model parameters
two_step (boolean): whether to use a two-step estimator
client (Dask Client object): dask client for multiprocessing
beta_hat (array-like): estimates of the beta_j
beta_se (array-like): standard errors on the beta_j estimates
# initialize parameters object
tax_func_path = os.path.join(
p = Specifications(baseline=True)
p.get_tax_function_parameters(client, False, tax_func_path)
# Compute wealth moments from the data
scf = wealth.get_wealth_data(scf_yrs_list=[2019], web=True, directory=None)
data_moments = wealth.compute_wealth_moments(scf, p.lambdas)
# Get weighting matrix
W = compute_weighting_matrix(p, optimal_weight=False)
# call minimizer
# set bounds on beta estimates (need to be between 0 and 1)
bnds = np.tile(np.array([1e-12, 1]), (p.J, 1)) # Need (1e-12, 1) J times
# pack arguments in a tuple
min_args = (data_moments, W, p, client)
# NOTE: may want to try some global optimization routing like
# simulated annealing (aka basin hopping) or differential
# evolution
est_output = opt.minimize(
options={"maxfun": 1, "maxiter": 1, "maxls": 1},
beta_hat = est_output["x"]
# calculate std errors
K = len(data_moments)
beta_se, VCV_params = compute_se(beta_hat, W, K, p, h=0.01, client=client)
if two_step:
W = VCV_params
min_args = (data_moments, W, p, client)
est_output = opt.minimize(
options={"maxfun": 1, "maxiter": 1, "maxls": 1},
beta_hat = est_output["x"]
beta_se, VCV_params = compute_se(
beta_hat, W, K, p, h=0.01, client=client
return beta_hat, beta_se
def minstat(beta_guesses, *args):
This function generates the weighted sum of squared differences
between the model and data moments.
beta_guesses (array-like): a vector of length J with the betas
args (tuple): length 6 tuple, variables needed for minimizer
distance (scalar): weighted, squared deviation between data and
model moments
# unpack args tuple
data_moments, W, p, client = args
# Update beta in parameters object with beta guesses
p.beta = beta_guesses
# Solve model SS
print("Baseline = ", p.baseline)
ss_output = SS.run_SS(p, client=client)
# Compute moments from model SS
model_moments = calc_moments(ss_output, p)
# distance with levels
distance = np.dot(
np.dot((np.array(model_moments) - np.array(data_moments)).T, W),
np.array(model_moments) - np.array(data_moments),
print("DATA and MODEL DISTANCE: ", distance)
return distance
def calc_moments(ss_output, p):
This function calculates moments from the SS output that correspond
to the data moments used for estimation.
ss_output = dictionary, variables from SS of model
p (OG-USA Specifications object): model parameters
model_moments (array-like): Array of model moments
# Create Inequality object
wealth_ineq = Inequality(
ss_output["bssmat_splus1"], p.omega_SS, p.lambdas, p.S, p.J
# wealth moments
# moments are: bottom 25% of wealth, next 25% share of wealth
# (25-50 pctile), next 20% share of wealth (50-70 pctile),
# next 10% share (70-80 pctile), next 10% share (80-90 pctile),
# next 9% share (90-99 pctile), top 1% share,
# gini coefficient, variance of log wealth
model_moments = np.array(
1 - wealth_ineq.top_share(0.75),
wealth_ineq.top_share(0.75) - wealth_ineq.top_share(0.50),
wealth_ineq.top_share(0.50) - wealth_ineq.top_share(0.30),
wealth_ineq.top_share(0.30) - wealth_ineq.top_share(0.20),
wealth_ineq.top_share(0.20) - wealth_ineq.top_share(0.10),
wealth_ineq.top_share(0.10) - wealth_ineq.top_share(0.01),
return model_moments
def compute_weighting_matrix(p, optimal_weight=False):
Function to compute the weighting matrix for the GMM estimator.
p (OG-USA Specifications object): model parameters
optimal_weight (boolean): whether to use an optimal
weighting matrix or not
W (Numpy array): Weighting matrix
# determine weighting matrix
if optimal_weight:
# This uses the inverse of the VCV matrix for the data moments
# more precisely estimated moments get more weight
# Reference: Gourieroux, Monfort, and Renault (1993,
# Journal of Applied Econometrics)
# read in SCF
n = 1000 # number of bootstrap iterations
scf = wealth.get_wealth_data(
scf_yrs_list=[2019], web=True, directory=None
VCV_data_moments = wealth.VCV_moments(scf, n, p.lambdas, p.J)
W = np.linalg.inv(VCV_data_moments)
# Assumes use 2 more moments than there are parameters
W = np.identity(p.J + 2)
return W
def VCV_moments(scf, n, bin_weights, J):
Compute variance-covariance matrix for wealth moments by
bootstrapping data.
scf (Pandas DataFrame): raw data from SCF
n (int): number of bootstrap iterations to run
bin_weights (array-like): ability weights (Jx1 array)
J (int): number of ability groups
VCV (Numpy array): variance-covariance matrix of wealth moments,
(J+2xJ+2) array
wealth_moments_boot = np.zeros((n, J + 2))
for i in range(n):
sample = scf[np.random.randint(2, size=len(scf.index)).astype(bool)]
# note that wealth moments from data are in array in same order
# as model moments are computed in this module
wealth_moments_boot[i, :] = wealth.compute_wealth_moments(
sample, bin_weights
VCV = np.cov(wealth_moments_boot.T)
return VCV
def compute_se(beta_hat, W, K, p, h=0.01, client=None):
Function to compute standard errors for the SMM estimator.
beta_hat (array-like): estimates of beta parameters
W (Numpy array): weighting matrix
K (int): number of moments
p (OG-USA Specifications object): model parameters
h (scalar): percentage to move parameters for numerical derivatives
client (Dask Client object): Dask client
beta_se (array-like): standard errors for beta estimates
VCV_params (Numpy array): VCV matrix for parameter estimates
# compute numerical derivatives that will need for SE's
model_moments_low = np.zeros((p.J, K))
model_moments_high = np.zeros((p.J, K))
beta_low = beta_hat
beta_high = beta_hat
for i in range(len(beta_hat)):
# compute moments with downward change in param
beta_low[i] = beta_hat[i] * (1 + h)
p.beta = beta_low
ss_output = ss_output = SS.run_SS(p, client=client)
model_moments_low[i, :] = calc_moments(ss_output, p)
# compute moments with upward change in param
beta_high[i] = beta_hat[i] * (1 - h)
p.beta = beta_low
ss_output = ss_output = SS.run_SS(p, client=client)
model_moments_high[i, :] = calc_moments(ss_output, p)
deriv_moments = (model_moments_high - model_moments_low).T / (
2 * h * beta_hat
VCV_params = np.linalg.inv(
np.dot(np.dot(deriv_moments.T, W), deriv_moments)
beta_se = (np.diag(VCV_params)) ** (1 / 2)
return beta_se, VCV_params