Source code for taxcalc.utilsprvt

PRIVATE utility functions for Tax-Calculator PUBLIC utility functions.
# pycodestyle
# pylint --disable=locally-disabled

EPSILON = 1e-9

[docs] def weighted_mean(dframe, col_name): """ Return weighted mean of Pandas DataFrame col_name items. """ return ((dframe[col_name] * dframe['s006']).sum() / (dframe['s006'].sum() + EPSILON))
[docs] def wage_weighted(dframe, col_name): """ Return wage-weighted mean of Pandas DataFrame col_name items. """ swght = 's006' wage = 'e00200' return (((dframe[col_name] * dframe[swght] * dframe[wage]).sum()) / ((dframe[swght] * dframe[wage]).sum() + EPSILON))
[docs] def agi_weighted(dframe, col_name): """ Return AGI-weighted mean of Pandas DataFrame col_name items. """ swght = 's006' agi = 'c00100' return ((dframe[col_name] * dframe[swght] * dframe[agi]).sum() / ((dframe[swght] * dframe[agi]).sum() + EPSILON))
[docs] def expanded_income_weighted(dframe, col_name): """ Return expanded-income-weighted mean of Pandas DataFrame col_name items. """ swght = 's006' expinc = 'expanded_income' return ((dframe[col_name] * dframe[swght] * dframe[expinc]).sum() / ((dframe[swght] * dframe[expinc]).sum() + EPSILON))